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Solved WordPress Questions

Question Prize Ended At
Woocommerce - Use product as home page. $10 2014-03-29
Need help with custom CSS for header $10 2014-03-29
Issues with IE11 not displaying maps $15 2014-03-28
Organizing/Indexing posts using buddypress follow? $15 2014-03-26
How do I upload many photos at once into a wordpress category? $1 2014-03-24
Sending third party information to checkout in WooCoomerce $10 2014-03-24
tinymce alternative for depreciated wpdialog() in WordPress 3.9? $15 2014-03-23
JS or Jquery issue with WordPress plugin. $100 2014-03-23
Highlight submenu_page if selected in admin menu $30 2014-03-22
Custom Font Karma Theme Word Press $5 2014-03-22
wp_remote_get or wp_remote_post (instead of curl())? $15 2014-03-22
Media query - CSS Tweak $5 2014-03-21
Adding a CSS dropdown menu to existing off-canvas menu $20 2014-03-21
jQuery toggle menu $5 2014-03-20
Responsive Wp-site with $5 2014-03-19
How to use the WordPress Media Manager for custom image dir? $30 2014-03-19
Need browser window from scrolling after the footer ends $5 2014-03-18
stop theme css style conflicting with plugin css $5 2014-03-18
Confirm Submission box appears for no reason $5 2014-03-18
Recents Posts from Custom Post Type per Categories $10 2014-03-18
Active class for menu $10 2014-03-16
Blank Screen on /wp-login and cant acces navigation menus $10 2014-03-15
IE CSS Tweak in Custom Menu $1 2014-03-15
I get rid off the thumbnail that show on facebook $1 2014-03-14
help with function how to echo acf select label inside subfield $10 2014-03-13