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Solved WordPress Questions

Question Prize Ended At
Retrive values for custom meta box plugin properly $31 2014-02-08
Function fix - media libary filter $15 2014-02-07
How to find font element to edit in css $10 2014-02-07
Turn radio button options into icons $5 2014-02-06
Add a text input field to Ultimate WP Query Search Filter $1 2014-02-05
Authors latest post sorted by post date...(Not repeated author) $30 2014-02-05
I need some serious help... $10 2014-02-05
Advanced Woocommerce Serach $1 2014-02-04
Custom Meta Box for Plugin $6 2014-02-04
Conditional IF Custom Post Type is Root, A Parent, A Child $10 2014-02-03
Genesis Featured Post Widget Remove [...] $5 2014-02-02
BuddyPress Profile Menu customisations $75 2014-02-02
theme customization $100 2014-02-02
customizing a codecanyon easy-wordpress-donations plugin $100 2014-02-02
$150 - customizing a codecanyon easy-wordpress-donations plugin $95 2014-02-02
Plugin Development Simple Function; Display in Plugin, Save $5 2014-02-01
How to transfer users safely from one site to another with all... $15 2014-02-01
customise smart-archives-reloaded plugin template $10 2014-02-01
Easy Wysija Form Width Problem $5 2014-01-31
New Widget in Header $30 2014-01-31
Taxonomy Archive only showing first 2 pages, then shows 404 $15 2014-01-30
Password redirect $20 2014-01-30
Create Custom Content Editor $20 2014-01-30
Remove order_pickup_location action from woocommerce_view_order $20 2014-01-29
Gravity Forms and Custom Post Type plugins $100 2014-01-29