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Solved WordPress Questions

Question Prize Ended At
add capability single plugin options for single role $5 2014-03-12
Changing the order of category display $5 2014-03-10
Pagination not working on one template - but works on another?! $10 2014-03-09
CSS Fixes (2) $5 2014-03-09
Responsive CSS Fixes $5 2014-03-09
custom weekend query - events calendar pro plugin $25 2014-03-09
WooCommerce: Update order's payment method $15 2014-03-08
How do I add product attributes to WooCommerce Emails $25 2014-03-07
Adding extra functionality to a plugin $20 2014-03-07
Need Help with the way website renders/displays on Mobile $20 2014-03-07
Add jquery sharrre buttons to my website $30 2014-03-06
Define page for search results $5 2014-03-06
Custom Post Type Query by category and group $25 2014-03-06
loop with different image size, banner and pagination $15 2014-03-05
Additional modification to Front end posting - for Hariprasad $30 2014-03-05
Create Grid For Website $30 2014-03-04
Facebook Debugger Returning 404 Error on Page $50 2014-03-02
Contact Form Send to Admin Email $5 2014-03-02
embed the values from virtual coins $20 2014-03-02
WPAlchemy WP_editor inside Repeating Fields $50 2014-03-02
Get WP E-Commerce to Show Sub-Categories on Parent Category Pages $15 2014-03-01
Why this plugin breaks blog page? $15 2014-03-01
Toggle to display has closed $5 2014-03-01
Front end posting $71 2014-02-28
Override WooCommerce price range $20 2014-02-28