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Solved WordPress Questions

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Undefined variable error. $1 2014-02-17
Hide Second Sub Child Page in Top Main Nav in Word Press $5 2014-02-17
I need to visualize an element below another element under 880px $10 2014-02-17
Hide header on mobile $10 2014-02-17
Replace deprecated code? $5 2014-02-16
Extend WP_Customize_Image_Control $20 2014-02-16
Turn modal in page when in iframe (was Modal & iframe) $50 2014-02-16
Feedo Social Feed Plugin - Twitter Not Working $50 2014-02-15
Change background image on my site depending on time of day $10 2014-02-15
I need some changes to smart archive reloaded $20 2014-02-15
Change class at a certain resolution $5 2014-02-15
What slider is being used on this site? $5 2014-02-13
Gravity Forms - Ensure fields are added to form before saving $5 2014-02-13
Fix WordPress Advanced Search $10 2014-02-12
Gravity Forms - Remove Multiple Field Buttons $5 2014-02-12
Change "comment" button text $5 2014-02-10
NordicDesign - Grid view not aligned $5 2014-02-10
Display rest of the "posts" on single-page $10 2014-02-10
Display a list via "wp_list_categories" on a specific page $15 2014-02-10
Hide header if in iframe $20 2014-02-10
Karma Wordpress Theme - Resize Video Frame $5 2014-02-09
Combining Isotope Masonry & fitRows in WP Theme $5 2014-02-09
"sidebar login" plugin setup $15 2014-02-09
help me with full width banner $10 2014-02-09
Link images from multi upload field (Gravity forms) to WP gallery $30 2014-02-08