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Retrive values for custom meta box plugin properly WordPress


**Note: I'll increase the bid to $20 if anyone has a solution.

The process is a bit difficult so first try to understand then answer.

I have used gravity forms, gravity form custom post, custom meta box plugin... and these all allow me to make advanced user submitted post.

The form is located here

If you submit it creates a new post automatically and fill all the custom fields properly. ( see image)

I need it to display the image thumbnail properly.

** Plz also check Image Advanced Upload field I think its better if we fixed it for an image filed as my files are only images here.
Whats I see in source code only the <img src=" " blank but links are proper.

Login to wordpress test site
user: admin
pass: DxZ379^^s

Answers (3)


Dbranes answers:

Here's a way to map the <em>Gravity Form</em> post image uploads to the <em>Meta Box (rilwis)</em> advanced file uploads.

add_action( 'gform_after_submission', function( $entry ){

// EDIT:
// Mapping from GF to MetaBox
// GF field_id => MetaBox meta key
$map = array(
'5' => 'some_prefix_file_advanced_1',
'7' => 'some_prefix_file_advanced_2',

$pid = $entry['post_id'];

foreach( $map as $field_id => $meta_key )
if( isset( $entry[$field_id] ) )
$items = explode( '|', $entry[$field_id] );
if( isset( $items[8] ) )
$meta_value = $items[8];
update_post_meta( $pid, $meta_key, $meta_value );

where you change this mapping array

// EDIT:
// Mapping from GF to MetaBox
// GF field_id => MetaBox meta key
$map = array(
'5' => 'some_prefix_file_advanced_1',
'7' => 'some_prefix_file_advanced_2',

This seems to work well on my install and I can see the images in the backend that were uploaded on the frontend.

See the attached screenshot ([[LINK href=""]]here[[/LINK]]).

ps: please don't publish the login and password here in the public.

Jihan Ahmed comments:

I have just back to home and tried your code .. does not seems to work. Its my test server so no problem if anyone access on it. Can u find solution to it. I can give u ftp if needed. Thanks !

Dbranes comments:

Please check out the updated answer.


Jihan Ahmed comments:

Bhavesh Vaghela he has tried for long but no results yet....

can u plz implement this on my site ... do u need ftp access?

Dbranes comments:

ok, I sent you PM


Bob answers:

It seems that "File Advanced Upload" is not saving data in simple key => value pair. can you please check the database how they save it? is it serialized data?


Deepak answers:

Please try two steps for your problem dear?
Gravity forms by default uploads files to a dated folder, like /gravity_forms/2/2014/02/

Use one of these filters to change the gravity forms upload path for files. If you get an error like: "Unable to create upload directory" then make sure to use the server path for the $path_info["path"] = '/var/adam/' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '/patriotic-mp3/';

//Change upload directory for all forms

add_filter("gform_upload_path", "change_upload_path", 20, 2);
function change_upload_path($path_info, $form_id){
$path_info["path"] = "/new/path/";
$path_info["url"] = "";
return $path_info;

//Change upload directory for specific form, the "4" in the gform_upload_path_4 below is the form id and this is what you would change for the form you want to customize

add_filter("gform_upload_path_4", "change_upload_path");
function change_upload_path($path_info){
$path_info["path"] = "/new/path/";
$path_info["url"] = "";
return $path_info;

It's getting the url to the file uploaded not echoing out the link to it.

Call the info as you have done before for any other field
$file = $form_data['field']['Upload file'];

After add this...

$file_url = new SimpleXMLElement($file);

Now echoing like this...

<?php echo $file_url['href']; ?>

Will echo out the url to that file, which you can add to a src="" for images or anything else you may need.


Jihan Ahmed comments:

I can change the gravity form file upload path but no sure what next? I have used custom meta box plugin for creating custom meta boxes so where should I integrate the code... u can check the plugin code on functions.php

Deepak comments:

There is no problems of uploading image but,the problem is the wrong path that you have set and buddy don't share your login details in the public?

Jihan Ahmed comments:

I did not set anything its just a combination of three plugin graivity forms, gravity forms custom post, and custom meta box... login is no problem its a test server.

Deepak comments:

I have just checked the plugin code but i couldn't get the image url as i have seen in firbug, but i'm able to solve your problem if i have the page are being shown in firbug...

Jihan Ahmed comments:

plz remember that the filed values will also be called on the front-end later so solve it in way so the plugin works fine like now for all other fields except the image filed. Do you need ftp access?

Deepak comments:

ok i'll try give me ftp details and i'll take backup before any changes buddy