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Confirm Submission box appears for no reason WordPress


Hi Guys

see this screenshot

that submission box appears every time I click refresh

Why is that?


Answers (5)


zebra webdesigns answers:

Hello Steve

There is no such thing coming in my browsers.
Perhaps the main difference is you are logged in to the site and I am not.
Can you please check in any other browser where you are not logged in.

That might helps

zebra webdesigns comments:

If you would like to look in to the issue you can PM me the login details

zebra webdesigns comments:

I have also checked in my safari browser in ipad and there is no form inside the website without logged in.
I guess it might be the css editor or any other form loaded after you logged and it throws the warning to you.


Arnav Joy answers:

Hello Steve ,

As said by others , we are not getting this problem in our end .

Can you clear cache and check .

Arnav Joy comments:

this could be because of the css you have written in dynamic builder front end css editor and not saved it.


Hariprasad Vijayan answers:

Hi Steve,

I didn't get any alert message when refreshing page. Are you getting this message on every refresh?


Simon Ng answers:

Hello Steve,

I can see that you are using Chrome in Mac OS.
I have tried in Chrome PC. In addition to Zebra's suggestion of "being not logged in"
You may tried in the same browser by using "New incognito mode" of chrome(by click the right hand side 3 line corner to choose).
So it can test in the same browser while eliminating other factors including extension in Chrome that might cause problem sometimes.


Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner answers:

no error...

This message is from the browser; and it will display anytime you try to refresh a page that was displayed as the result of a POST request.

It has no bearing on your code, the browser will display the same message on all websites where you try to refresh the page (hit F5 for example) which was displayed as a result of a previous POST request.

To prevent this from happening, make sure all POST requests redirect to a different view upon completion; and not render templates themselves.