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Media query - CSS Tweak WordPress


So, the site has an issue with one or both of the widths where the search icon on the end is placing itself under the the logo, category menu, and social icon menu. I'm not sure if this is the only issue and I've actually brought a few issues about Media query concerning the header of this same website.

(I looked at my logged and realized I've already paid out $50 on these CSS tweaks up to this point.)

While this issue (attaching the image so you see what is happening) is occurring... it would be nice it the other major browsers are viewing correctly for the header area.

I'm pay $5, but if someone takes the iniative to make sure the header viewing correct in 240, 320, 480, 600, 800, 1024... I'd definitely send a little more in for the time.

Image Attached: As you can see the search icon (which is a toggle drop down search) is being placed underneath the main line for the logo, and 2 custom menus)

Answers (1)


zebra webdesigns answers:

Hello Nile there is no image attached and I also checked the responsiveness , It seems good. Have you zoomed the site.
because only when zooming this happens

zebra webdesigns comments:

Nile I understand you have spent more money than necessary

Can you make the list of things which you need to sort it out , so that I can finish it out for you

Nile Flores comments:

Good point. I will let him know. I really appreciate you taking a look and I definitely want to work with you again.