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Solved WordPress Questions

Question Prize Ended At
Permalink structure for query under a custom post type $40 2015-01-22
"Order before" countdown using a widget and Widget Logic $15 2015-01-21
Sharing profile with right description and image $55 2015-01-19
Product quantity dropdown missing in Shopp after upgrading to 4.1 $40 2015-01-19
Website really slow, back and frontend $20 2015-01-15
Gravity Forms and update_option() $30 2015-01-15
Wrong Menu Displaying in Primary Location $10 2015-01-14
css classes for one menu item, swapping colors around $5 2015-01-13
Woocommerce, count shipping cost in 2 way $50 2015-01-13
Need code to reveal hidden span when hovering over post $10 2015-01-10
Get Meta Value from taxonomy field in Meta Box Deluxe $10 2015-01-09
Masked forward with frame $10 2015-01-07
Custom post for activity logging? $10 2015-01-06
Checkbox to add Custom Post Type to Main WordPress Loop & Feed $50 2015-01-06
Same question, new thread. $20 2015-01-05
Two websites, WP installed the same way, yet one doesn't work $5 2015-01-03
ACF field groups do not show in pages $5 2015-01-01
Button alignment problem $10 2014-12-30
update a plugin $30 2014-12-28
Order tabs categories woocommerce $10 2014-12-26
WordPress Multisite - Sorting by user role on admin user table $10 2014-12-26
set_theme_mod() outside of the Customizer $20 2014-12-25
sorting sql query table values $20 2014-12-25
Checkbox to add Custom Post Type to Main WordPress Loop & Feed $20 2014-12-25
marker icons do not show up with IE8 $10 2014-12-25