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Solved WordPress Questions

Question Prize Ended At
CDN Services for portfolio sites $5 2014-09-17
How can I have Image Library recognize php upload? $25 2014-09-17
BBpress topic freshness function in wp_query. $10 2014-09-15
Automated XML export from custom post type and custom fields $1 2014-09-12
[raw] and [/raw] have appeared on my site, why? $20 2014-09-12
WP_Query not able to query multiple post types? $5 2014-09-09
Looking for good streaming services $5 2014-09-09
Admin Bar Interference With My Fixed Nav $5 2014-09-09
CSS Snippet to add to CSS Upgrade $5 2014-09-08
CMB metaboxes show_on filter $15 2014-09-08
Add "Recently Updated" label next to post titles $5 2014-09-07
wordpress mega menu - additional request $30 2014-09-07
Create Hook from WP User Frontend to WP Event Organiser $60 2014-09-07
List all posts with 2 terms of a taxonomy $50 2014-09-07
Need some help getting a Jquery library to work $5 2014-09-07
Best Way to Put Protection Shortcodes around content $15 2014-09-06
Responsive Newsletter Html $5 2014-09-05
Redirect from sharing link to rtmedia lightbox $40 2014-09-05
Compensation for sai $5 2014-09-02
Css selector idea, using both pseudo class & element $5 2014-09-02
Responsive design $10 2014-09-01
Table fix $10 2014-08-31
Merging Terms with Bootstrap Carousel $30 2014-08-31
Display Post Meta attached to one page, on every page. $10 2014-08-31
The Events Calendar Plugin takes on title of first event $5 2014-08-29