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Solved WordPress Questions

Question Prize Ended At
How to get individual single.php file for custom taxonomy terms $25 2015-06-28
PHP add_entry to existing Gravity Form $5 2015-06-27
jQuery & GIF animation $100 2015-06-27
ACF Google Maps with Bootstrap Tabs $15 2015-06-27
Include the "responsive-slider" on the top of blogpage? $10 2015-06-26
Woocommerce reviews not showing up! $5 2015-06-21
Need to loop CPT based on custom field $10 2015-06-21
Woocommerce Hook after user hit submit on Edit Address Billing?? $1 2015-06-17
Advice on pushing content to multiple sites $25 2015-06-15
Slide Text Display Mis-Aligned in Chrome $5 2015-06-14
Multiple fullscreen overlays on click $50 2015-06-11
How to add pagination to this query on search.php? $10 2015-06-08
How to exclude events (custom posts) from search results? $20 2015-06-08
Masonry Gallery Responsive Issue $5 2015-06-08
How to make Registration Email as Billing Email in Woocommece? $5 2015-06-06
Convert this into a globally usable shortcode $20 2015-06-05
CPT Based Leaderboard Grouped by Meta Entries $50 2015-06-04
WooCommerce - include pre-orders in report by product $10 2015-06-04
Plugin Conflict. Need help resolving. $50 2015-06-04
Shortcode is displaying at the top of the post $30 2015-06-03
How do I copy the value of a taxnomy to an advanced custom field? $15 2015-06-02
BBPress Forum page not showing properly $10 2015-06-02
Up/downvoting functionality for an ACF realtionship field $25 2015-05-31
Make the full logo area clickable $15 2015-05-30
Timeline JS CSS/JS issue, cannot scroll $10 2015-05-29