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Solved WordPress Questions

Question Prize Ended At
get_terms with 3 levels... by ID´s $10 2015-10-04
Sort WP Query by both positive and negative values $10 2015-10-02
Filter the_content on CPT - fetch images from children posts $20 2015-10-02
Need help with Nginx virtual host setup $25 2015-09-26
Change content widht and add background-picture $10 2015-09-25
Mailchimp form and javascript not working great $15 2015-09-24
Live Chat plugins not working $10 2015-09-23
How to enqueue parent styling in child theme $10 2015-09-22
Define a different shortcode for each product? $20 2015-09-20
Need help with loop => Need paged & count increase $20 2015-09-20
PHP if statement $10 2015-09-14
Google Web Master Tool Speed Issue Avoid landing page redirects $5 2015-09-13
WP_Query and pre_get_posts $20 2015-09-12
Geo My Wordpress Plugin Question $15 2015-09-10
Need help debugging Java Script $20 2015-09-08
Extracting a value from an XML result $10 2015-09-06
display image captions, descriptions and additional media fields $25 2015-09-05
Filtering by Two Meta_Keys $5 2015-09-04
My front end form isn't inserting a value for an ACF field $20 2015-08-31
I need to tell an ACF checkbox array not to error when empty $10 2015-08-29
Need help displaying posts based on an ACF field (New Question) $25 2015-08-29
Need to show custom post type based on check box $10 2015-08-29
Need if then help in loop $15 2015-08-28
ACF array quit working on new server $25 2015-08-28
Need complicated if then scenario help $30 2015-08-27