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Live Chat plugins not working WordPress



I have a plug in called LiveBeep that is a live chat for helping people order on this page:

For some reason, I think after integration of one of these plugins:

Autoptimize (I think this is the reason)
WP Super Cache
WP Smush

the Live Beep Chat plugin no longer works. I have deactivated all plugins, reinstalled, done everything you're supposed to, but Live Beep refuses to work.

I also tried installing another live chat plugin called Live Chat, and this didn't work either. The techie at Live Chat said I should talk to Wordpress because he didn't know why it wasn't working.

For some reason, the javascript code doesn't seem to work I think with the chat plugins.

Can someone help me find out why Live Beep is not working? See screenshots for more.


Answers (1)


dimadin answers:

I wanted to answer last night. but this site became unavailable in the meantime...

Do you have subscription for LiveBeep? Because there is nothing wrong on your side, it is just that you include Javascript file from LiveBeep and it returns empty content.


I don't know other domain that uses LiveBeep except their own and their file have content:

Same file like your is returned for domain that doesn't use LiveBeep, for example:

If you do have subscription for LiveBeep you should contact them and show them first file that I linked.

Joss Frimond comments:

Thanks Domain,

I've contacted Livebeep. I see what you mean, that's so strange.

Do you know why WP would show an empty js file?


dimadin comments:

In this case it has nothing to do with WordPress, you include file from external source (in this case that is empty.

It could have been WordPress fault if you were sending some data (like you did in MailChimp case) but here were having a simple GET request.

dimadin comments:

Hey, I see that LiveBeep file is not empty anymore and that there is chat box on your page now. Is this resolved and was problem on their side like I suspected?

Joss Frimond comments:

Hi Dimadin

All done and voted for you.

I'd like to remain in contact with you please for other projects, how can we do this?
