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Two websites, WP installed the same way, yet one doesn't work WordPress


I've got one website, which is built using a WordPress theme. The URL for the WordPress installation is, according to the software that installed it, Softaculous, When somebody types in they are taken to my blog page in that site.

I've got another website,, which is using, so far, the default WordPress theme. I have two installations of WordPress for this site. The first one was a duplication of the one that worked for the first website: URL, But when somebody typed in the website address,, up came 'Index...', ie. not the WordPress page. Problem.

So my host installed WordPress again, this time with a URL of That is, without the /wp. Then it worked for the public, ie. when they typed in, up came the default WordPress template.

Why doesn't the installation for my second site produce the same result for the public as my first site does, i.e. go to the site, when the Softaculous parameters are the same. How do I make it do the same?

Answers (2)


Ian Lincicome answers:

I believe WP should have written the .htaccess for you. If you check and make sure it has permissions to write in the main directory, it should be able do do this. If you do a classic install instead of having your host do it, you should notice any errors like this. You can download a and upload via FTP in just a few min usually.

Shercom comments:

I have the level of knowledge that means that I use an auto-installer, and don't modify code.

Ian Lincicome comments:

FYI, WordPress is very easy to install if you follow the instructions here: There is even a five minute install section that can be done very fast, but if you don't quite know your way around WordPress, more detailed instructions follow and it might take a little longer, but still very easy:-). If you want to give me FTP access or Cpanel access, I'll even do it for you. You want it inside of a directory called wp correct? That way your WordPress url would be I can do that for you without any problem. Just give me the word...-Ian

Shercom comments:

That's a kind offer Ian. However, it's not the installation that's the problem (I already have it installed in both and The problem is that when somebody goes to the site, the site doesn't come up like it does with See my 3.18 am post above for a possible solution.

Ian Lincicome comments:

Shercom, I meant that I would install and get it working how you want. Since your's has issues, I'd probably start from scratch. The difference is in installing it manually. That way I am able to determine exactly what the issue is and fix it faster. Unless of course the issue is that it's simply showing the wrong wordpress page when they go to the URL. I just checked and and I see you have a one WordPress installed in the root folder and another WP install in the /wp folder. I understand that you want people to go to and be taken to though. Is that correct? I also understand that works how you want it to. However, I checked out and I thought you said it was installed at, but it is not I can tell from reading the page source that it is installed at and not in the /wp folder dispite what you may believe. There could be some funny work going on to make it look different, but I doubt it. In any case, there isn't a problem with WordPress that I cannot fix, so if you want to give me access, I will fix it for you. Maybe just give me the wp-admin user/pass and I might be able to do it from there.

Right now you have two WP sites installed on Is that what you want? I don't think it is, but correct me if I am wrong. What I would do, assuming I'm correct, is delete the one in the wp folder and fix the one in the root directory to work as it should like works. How's that sound? Let me know and grant access if you want me to do this. Otherwise, meet me on Skype and I can walk you though it, but it's easier just to let me do it. My skype name is ianlin11 in Akron, Ohio. Good luck and keep me posted.

Ian Lincicome comments:

also, are both and on the same web server? same cpanel account?

Ian Lincicome comments:

Got my Skype on now if you want to chat about it.

Shercom comments:

Ian, I think you've just answered my question. Wordpress for is not installed in a /wp directory. This is despite what Softaculous says - see attached. This would explain why in the address bar takes one to my site wouldn't it? So a mistake in Softaculous? If so, not a good result for the type of people that such an auto-loader is designed to help.

If this is the case, and I still would prefer, as suggested in a Codex article, both installations to be in a /wp directory, I then just need the instructions to make that happen. Preferably without code changes! Perhaps you know where I could find such instructions. (Never mind if you can't - you have already done more than enough to help me.)

By the way, my wife has a website, using a bought Wordpress theme, to which she wants some changes that are way beyond me. Do you do that kind of work? If so, would you give a quote?)