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Need code to reveal hidden span when hovering over post WordPress


I have a hidden "Instapaper" button associated with each blog post returned in a loop. And I would like to reveal "only" the relevant button when the user hovers over a post. (e.g. -- currently the button is visible by default).

If you would prefer to edit the theme directly, message me and I'll send you a zip file.

Answers (1)


zebra webdesigns answers:

Hello booruguru

I cant see the button for instapaper
is it already there in the post loop ??

zebra webdesigns comments:

Ok the instapaper button is not showing in firefox.
but works in chrome.

here is the code which enables it to show only on hover over the post. li .ebook-option{
} li:hover .ebook-option{

zebra webdesigns comments:

ok it shows in firefox too.
but it needs to be chosen with the sorting.

for example
that link works.

but not the direct link
this one not showing the button

booruguru comments:

I forgot that it was only visible to logged in users. I have updated the page. You should be able to see it now. Sorry about that.

booruguru comments:

I just used your code and it worked. I can't believe it was that easy. Thanks.

zebra webdesigns comments:

ok mate... just double check it by both logged in and not logged in.