Please can someone re-write the below function so a new theme_mod value is set when my form is submitted. A 'Success' confirmation message should be displayed when the form/values have been updated. Data should be sanitized before being saved to the database.
function create_custom_css_page() {
$content = get_theme_mod('custom_theme_css', '');
<div class="wrap">
<h2><?php _e('Custom CSS', 'mytheme'); ?></h2>
<form name="custom-css-form" action="?????" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<textarea name="new_css_content" id="new_css_content" ><?php echo esc_html( $content ); ?></textarea>
<?php submit_button( __('Update CSS', 'mytheme'), 'primary', 'submit', true ); ?>
$new_content = set_theme_mod('custom_theme_css', $new_css_content);
Basically I'm attempting to re-work the [[LINK href=""]]Simple Custom CSS plugin[[/LINK]] so CSS changes are saved against a theme rather than as a single option.
Thank you
Dbranes answers:
Hi @designbuildtest
Here's one idea how you could modify your own copy of the SCCSS plugin:
In the <em>admin.php</em> file:
<strong>1)</strong> Replace
register_setting( 'sccss_settings_group', 'sccss_settings' );
register_setting( 'sccss_settings_group', 'sccss_settings', 'sccss_settings_sanitize' );
<strong>2)</strong> Replace:
$options = get_option( 'sccss_settings' );
$options = get_theme_mod('wpq_css', '');
in the <em>sccss_render_submenu_page()</em> function.
<strong>3)</strong> Add this function:
function sccss_settings_sanitize( $input ) {
set_theme_mod( 'wpq_css', $input );
return $input;
I hope you can modify this further to your needs.
designbuildtest comments:
Perfect, many thanks Dbranes.
I made some minor tweaks to your suggestions, merged with my existing plugin code and everything is now working as planned.
Much appreciated.
Arnav Joy answers:
can you describe more about what you want ?
designbuildtest comments:
Hi Arnav, rather than using the Settings API to store a single block of custom CSS (via get_option) , I want to store and retrieve a block of custom CSS against each theme (via get/set_theme_mod).
Firoja_Imtosupport answers:
You can refer to, If you still dont have solution let me know and i can write for you.