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Solved WordPress Questions

Question Prize Ended At
import categories and make description $30 2013-09-02
Multisite math challenge & Really simple captcha img not display $20 2013-09-02
How do I Post to buddypress activity feed on form submit $10 2013-08-31
How to import a wp_posts.sql file $5 2013-08-30
WooCommerce Checkout Page -- Payment option by checkbox value $50 2013-08-29
Add Tracking Code to Specific Page $10 2013-08-28
Re-Attach unattached media to the correct Post Id. $30 2013-08-28
Remove featured image from img gallery? $10 2013-08-27
AJAX code for loading file after selection from media library? $20 2013-08-26
When putting in username and password it just loops back $20 2013-08-25
GPX track not shown in Internet Explorer 8 $20 2013-08-24
Javascript issue - TypeError: gpx.get_name is not a function $20 2013-08-24
Single Product Page Needs to be Fixed $50 2013-08-24
Links going to 404pageswhen permalinks set to POSTNAME $10 2013-08-23
echo php within existing php code $5 2013-08-23
how to bypass Access-Control-Allow-Origin with javascript only? $10 2013-08-22
Redirect to latest post of an author $5 2013-08-21
Move & Style Header Navigation $15 2013-08-21
Need an if statement to sort portfolio $10 2013-08-20
Give the user a role choice and tailor their profile area $20 2013-08-20
Javascript is not executed on IE when using .on( $20 2013-08-19
Link dependent on $my_query $10 2013-08-19
Changes to a current site $20 2013-08-18
Adding date to meta... $10 2013-08-17
Code cleanup $25 2013-08-16