Hi Guys
this is frustrating me to the max!
Why is that happening?
My username and password are not the problem as i have systematically changed them to try an ascertain the problem.
HELP! :)
By the way I have tried it with plugin folder renamed too and still does the same thing.
Is there some sort of advanced security cache thing that is going on?
Remy answers:
You are on www.7connections.com and the site is set to 7connections.com (without www) the login and cookies think it's another domain. What are the settings for siteurl and home_url of your WP install ?
Steve Watson comments:
That's it Remy, right on the money again! Thank you.
I've been merging sites and one was www and one was not so i got confused.
Thanks again
Remy comments:
That's great Steve !
Abdelhadi Touil answers:
Have you tried to use other browser? What about reuplaoding WordPress files?
Abdelhadi Touil comments:
Another question: Can you creat a test user for us to test from here?
Agus Setiawan answers:
Solved, please try to relogin.
Steve Watson comments:
How did you do that Agus?
Agus Setiawan comments:
i'm trying to access your domain with https, reload login page, then relogin.
deactivate theme, and reactivate again.
Arnav Joy answers:
try to switch to twentytwelve theme or any wordprss default theme , may be there is any code in your theme which is causing problem