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Solved WordPress Questions

Question Prize Ended At
Sync publish function to other sites. $50 2013-08-15
How to links geolocations on posts and show on a map $30 2013-08-15
Displaying maps in jquery ui tabs fails $20 2013-08-11
Override woocommerce template in plugin $15 2013-08-11
Nivo Slider error $20 2013-08-10
Show external API in WordPress $10 2013-08-10
Inserting html text above bbpress forum pages? $20 2013-08-09
Separate backend menu item for woocommerce product reviews $30 2013-08-09
Import blog posts from old blog as drafts $10 2013-08-09
Read More [...] issue $10 2013-08-08
ESTIMATE - Implement designed HTML & CSS to WooCommerce templates $1 2013-08-08
Need someone to build me a snippets area $30 2013-08-06
Shopp custom category widgets $10 2013-08-05
query custom post type but exlude terms $20 2013-08-04
Strange page behaviour $10 2013-08-02
Compare two custom fields and query posts based on the result $50 2013-08-02
Category archive page instead of page $5 2013-08-01
Dynamic link to single CPT taxonomy term $10 2013-08-01
I need to get the list of images added in a gallery. $15 2013-07-30
Blockquote plugin to style "" quote marks $10 2013-07-29
qTranslate home url & breadcrumbs not working in second language $10 2013-07-28
Strange addition to URL $5 2013-07-27
Karma Theme: Slider 3/4, Sidebar 1/4 $30 2013-07-26
Change text and heading on tabs for addition information $5 2013-07-26
"Add to cart" reference in WooCommerce mini cart $20 2013-07-26