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Single Product Page Needs to be Fixed WordPress


Hi. Few things in my single product page needs to be fixed:

1) Gallery looks broken, gallery images are overlapping. Also, it won't show any new photos added.

2) Add to Cart button has an Ajax behavior where it only shows up after a customer selects a size. I want to remove that behavior and make Add To Cart visible permanently

3) When I enter Product Description, it shows up in a div at bottom of gallery. It should show up right next to the image.

Here's the link:

Thank You

Answers (3)


zebra webdesigns answers:

Hello ferialfj

I will fix this for you.
Can you PM me the site login details.
I will send my skype id to you.

zebra webdesigns comments:

If you want to resolve this problem by yourself.
Please find the following suggestions.
in the line number 260

remove the height:72px
.views-gallery {
left: 0;
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
top: 0;
in the line number 2294
remove the width: 82px;

#product-page .product-images .views-gallery .slide {
float: left;
text-align: center;

this will fix the image overlap .

zebra webdesigns comments:

You can show the add to cart option
by adding the following css to style.css file

display:inherit !important;

if the product option is not choosen it will show the following error.

Please choose product options…

so you are good to go

zebra webdesigns comments:

Regarding Description it needs little coding effort and css

there is a div tag with clear option you need to remove it and you have to customize the style.css file
in the line number 2903

Your theme is responsive. so you need to be careful at this point.

zebra webdesigns comments:

I have attached the image as how it will look once you done with my suggestion