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Solved WordPress Questions

Question Prize Ended At
Use deafult WordPress/Genesis Search Box For Google Custom Search $10 2013-04-07
Help with if statement $5 2013-04-07
Display Events month by month (Event Calendar Pro) $20 2013-04-07
If, elseif, elseif, else help $10 2013-04-07
WordPress Content Accordion $10 2013-04-06
Can someone help complete my code for use on a page... $10 2013-04-06
Wordpress old style thickbox on the page front end $30 2013-04-05
contact form 7 - add featured image to post $35 2013-04-05
Upload >58meg get HTTP/IO error WP3.51Multisite host LinuxGoDaddy $50 2013-04-05
Acquiring metabox values from "Related Links" plugin $15 2013-04-05
Advanced Custom Fields help with repeater field sub select fields $10 2013-04-04
html css markup to make a side by side set of buttons $10 2013-04-03
custom work - double sidebar page for Karma WP Theme $15 2013-04-03
wp_set_post_terms from a form $30 2013-04-02
How to Sort Custom Taxonomy List $75 2013-04-01
Question for Gabriel Reguly $50 2013-03-31
Theme Javascript conflict with plugin $10 2013-03-31
gravity forms pdf extended $10 2013-03-31
Sight theme main page change $85 2013-03-30
Print This Modification $10 2013-03-30
who can customise existing js? $1 2013-03-29
Block Contributors from admin, but allow front-end delete posts $10 2013-03-28
Adjusting Position of WPML Switcher $1 2013-03-28
Last page of wp_pagenavi strips out footer.php and other errors $20 2013-03-27
Css issue when added woocommerce $10 2013-03-26