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Solved WordPress Questions

Question Prize Ended At
Make Infinite Scroll work with theme (shaken grid)? $20 2013-04-21
WB Gallery - Navigation is missing $5 2013-04-21
Remote theme customization tutoring $5 2013-04-21
Pagination Problems with custom website $10 2013-04-21
WP Custom Fields Search issue with template $10 2013-04-21
PHP version 5.1.6 but WordPress 3.4.2 requires at least 5.2.4 $10 2013-04-21
looking for a plugin for a certain effect $5 2013-04-21
List nbr of posts for each taxonomy term & specific meta value $6 2013-04-21
woo commerce with 3rd party theme (good layers) need help $10 2013-04-21
One style.css including 2 color stylesheets $25 2013-04-21
2 search boxes on page, 1 not working $15 2013-04-21
Firefox zoom pushes post-page content into sidebar $15 2013-04-21
pagination dropdown not working! $20 2013-04-21
UPDATE! multisite 404 caused by register_post/tax... $50 2013-04-21
ajax function request not working in IE, if I'm not logged in. $20 2013-04-21
Query to look for pages with certain tag $15 2013-04-19
Wordpress Menu Colors and Classes $15 2013-04-19
TrueThemes WP Sterling and Events Calendar (CSS question) $30 2013-04-18
Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded $5 2013-04-18
extend image grid to full width $10 2013-04-17
How to include a class within another class correctly? $50 2013-04-17
Solving WP-410 incompatibility with WP Super Cache $50 2013-04-17
Sight - mouseover (hover) on list view img $10 2013-04-14
image grid not 100% working on current theme $20 2013-04-14
Question for Arnav Joy $30 2013-04-14