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If, elseif, elseif, else help WordPress



I am porting a static site to WordPress and need to have 4 sliders. One is a default and the rest are page specific. But, for some reason, my code is not working:

<?php if ( function_exists( 'meteor_slideshow' ) ) {

if ( is_page( '34' ) ) {
meteor_slideshow( "tanning", "" );

} elseif ( is_page( '267' ) ) {
meteor_slideshow( "contact", "" );

} elseif ( is_page( '59' ) ) {
meteor_slideshow( "faq", "" );

} else {
meteor_slideshow( "main", "" );


} ?>

Answers (3)


Dbranes answers:

Try to use <em>is_page( 34 ) </em>instead of <em>is_page( '34' )</em>, i.e.

<?php if ( function_exists( 'meteor_slideshow' ) ) {
if ( is_page(34) ) {
meteor_slideshow( "tanning", "" );
} elseif ( is_page(267) ) {
meteor_slideshow( "contact", "" );
} elseif ( is_page(59) ) {
meteor_slideshow( "faq", "" );
} else {
meteor_slideshow( "main", "" );
} ?>

or use page-slugs in <em>is_page('page_slug');</em>

Jagst3r21 comments:

Hi, unfortunately neither solutions worked. I am bafled.

Dbranes comments:

Does this work without any if/is_page:

meteor_slideshow( "tanning", "" );

You can also debug by placing this before your code:

echo " Current page has ID: ".$post->ID." and slug:".$post->post_name;

Jagst3r21 comments:

Yes, meteor_slideshow( "tanning", "" ); works without any if/is_page. Debugging only verified that I have the correct IDs and slugs, so I had everything right. Any other ideas what this could be? :(

Dbranes comments:

ok, maybe you could try this next

echo " Current page has ID: ".$post->ID." and slug:".$post->post_name;
if ( is_page(34) ) {
echo "We are on page with ID: 34";
meteor_slideshow( "tanning", "" );
} ?>

and visit page with id <em>34</em> to test;

Jagst3r21 comments:

Yes that test works, confirms that the page id is the same as the test.

Dbranes comments:

ok great, then we are making progress ;-)

next test would be:

echo " Current page has ID: ".$post->ID." and slug:".$post->post_name;
if ( is_page(34) ) {
echo "We are on page with ID: 34, let's view the slideshow 'tanning' ";
meteor_slideshow( "tanning", "" );
}elseif ( is_page(267) ) {
echo "We are on page with ID: 267, let's view the slideshow 'contact' ";
meteor_slideshow( "contact", "" );
}elseif ( is_page(59) ) {
echo "We are on page with ID: 59, let's view the slideshow 'faq' ";
meteor_slideshow( "faq", "" );
echo "We are on page with ID not in (34,59,267), let's view the slideshow 'main' ";
meteor_slideshow( "main", "" );

Jagst3r21 comments:

Yes that works for all.

Dbranes comments:

so this is working as you want now?

Jagst3r21 comments:

For some reason it is not working. I have no idea why.

Jagst3r21 comments:

Ok, this can be marked as the dumbest issue ever. I did not have images set for the two that were not working -_-

Sorry I am dumb. I will award you the money for your time.


Gabriel Reguly answers:

Hi Jagst3r21,

Are you sure the code is not being used inside the loop?

<blockquote> Cannot Be Used Inside The Loop

Due to certain global variables being overwritten during The Loop is_page() will not work. In order to use it after The Loop you must call wp_reset_query() after The Loop. </blockquote>


Jagst3r21 comments:

It is just in my header.php file. I added the reset query and still no luck:

<?php if ( function_exists( 'meteor_slideshow' ) ) {

if ( is_page( '34' ) ) {

meteor_slideshow( "tanning", "" );

} elseif ( is_page( '267' ) ) {

meteor_slideshow( "contact", "" );

} elseif ( is_page( '59' ) ) {

meteor_slideshow( "faq", "" );

} else {

meteor_slideshow( "main", "" );


} ?>

The only places it works are on the default main slider and the tanning page. The other two pages just show a white image.

Gabriel Reguly comments:

Dbranes just put you in the right direction, if/else is working, error is at meteor_slideshow function.


Arnav Joy answers:

try place at the top of the file

<?php wp_reset_query();?>

Jagst3r21 comments:

Hi, I added that before the opening <?php tag in my header.php and still no luck. Does someone want access to this ftp to try and solve this. I will ad an extra 10 dollars if you can help since I am on a deadline.

P.S. Idk why this is so hard, so maybe I am missing something obvious?