i use this plugin : [[LINK href="http://gravityformspdfextended.com/"]]http://gravityformspdfextended.com/[[/LINK]]
how can i generate a pdf with an horizontal format with this plugin ?
Dbranes answers:
If you mean the landscape format, you can try this solution (see [[LINK href="http://gravityformspdfextended.com/topic/landscape-pdf/"]]here[[/LINK]])
<blockquote>You will need to modify render_to_pdf.php and add the following line in the PDF_processing function, above the line $dompdf -> render();.
Add this line: $dompdf->set_paper(‘a4′, ‘landscape’);</blockquote>
So the plugin you are using (I haven't used it) is based on the <em>dompdf </em>library:
and according to the <em>dompdf</em> documantation, portrait is default.
Ptipwa answers:
Nicat Asadov answers:
Write <strong>gf_list_inline</strong> to CSS Class Name
This turns a multiple choice/checkbox list into an inline horizontal list (not evenly spaced columns). This only applies to multiple choice/checkbox lists and work with any of the form label position settings.