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wp video theme question WordPress


Needed to know how to make my categories show on the home page. Only a few of them are showing and I've deleted two and replaced them but I do not see them and I do have videos in those categories....

Answers (3)


Rashad Aliyev answers:


May I help you?


Jens Filipsson answers:

I'm not really sure what you mean, but it could be that you're loop only fetch posts from certain category id:s. Could you post the source code of your index.php or whatever template you use to fetch the posts?

Or if this is not the problem, be a bit more specific of what you need help with!


Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner answers:

In your ftp, you must find your file home.php
if you haven't this file you must find index.php

Open this file with notepad.

Find a line with a code like that

after "cat" there is one number or +
like that :
this means that the category 8 and 4 are displayed

Replace this numbers by the id of categories you want to display
and paste this file into your ftp

To know the id of a category, go to your admin :<strong>/wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=category</strong>
when you are on a category name (hover) you can read on the status bar something like that
in this case the ID of the category is 56