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wp-post ratings broke my site WordPress


I have a site that i love very much. This month it turned 2 years old, so i decided to give it a makeover.
rigth now it is on the plugin "mantenance mode" so to look at the problem you are gonna have to sign in with this fonny user that i made for it:
user: admin
pass: nimda

<strong>the problem is:</strong>
i have been using the plugin wp- post ratings for a long time with no problem and very happily, but when i changed the theme (flex) it started breaking the index, categories and tags pages.

the ratings are working fine, but in the index page, after voting a post something strage happens and (if you refresh the page) whont show all the post that comes after that one. (i hope i am being need to try it and see)

i only know very very little css and basic i am very lost....

i even tryed changing to another rating plugin, but i am not willing to loose all the ratings that i have collected in this 2 years.

is the version 3.4.1 of wordpress and the last version of wp-post ratings. have desactivated the chache plugin, and when i tryed in my localhost happened the same thing, sooooooooo

please help me!!!!!

pardon my bad english, it is not my natural languaje ;P

Answers (2)


Dbranes answers:

check your postratings-templates:


it looks like you are missing a closure on the < em > tag.

i.e. right after

< em >< strong >2< /strong > votos

lalulula comments:

OMG!!!!! you are a genius!!!!!

i cant believe it was this stupid my error, i have spend days trying to figured out.....anyway

but now i am noticing that after voting, the stars apears with a black border (the same as the thumbnails above)
is it beacause they beacome static images?
is there a way of eliminating that border but no on the thumbs?

Dbranes comments:

ok great ;-)

ps: to eliminate the borders on the stars, you can try to add this into your style.css in the current theme directory

.post-ratings img {border:none !important;}

lalulula comments:

that did it!!!!

i just cant express how gratefull i am <3
thanks so much!!!

wpquestions is a great contribution to mankind ;P


Albert Shala answers:

Can't see much with current user permissions

lalulula comments:

what do you need to see?

Albert Shala comments:

I'm not sure either, but with where I was able to get to it looks fine to me, so not sure what the problem is.

lalulula comments:

have you tryed voting any post and then refresh the page? when i doi it te post after the one i just voted desappear.....

Albert Shala comments:

I don't see any where the ability to vote. you may have to turn off maintenance mode perhaps, I'm off now will check on your question later or someone else can pick from here.