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wordpress theme emporium web shop WordPress


hi i,m interested in purchasing several e-comerce themes but i need the possibility to add an extra text field within the product form eg, like the the quantity text field were you can insert the number of a product you require you can view what i mean clearer the theme creators say it is only possible if i edit the custom.php file i,m creating a cake shop online and of coarse need the user to be able to choose various options like size,flavor,month required,day,topping,all these i know how to impliment already !! but my client wishes to have a text field or a message field will do just a field where you can insert text in the product form (eg text no more than 30 letters happy birthday for example ) i hope i,m bein as clear as i can be if there is anyone who can do this i will pay of coarse

thanx in advance


Answers (2)


Luis Abarca answers:

I already had done this before, i can help you if you send me FTP login, via PM

badbwoy comments:

hi luis the ftp is and username i delores6660 i hope i was clear enough


in advance m8

badbwoy comments:

sorry luis i have not yet purchased this theme so i don,t have acess to the files u need to edit i will purchase it and get back to you sorry about that

thanx in advance


Luis Abarca comments:

Hi amigo, as Linda said, take a look to this answer from Julian here

I had already done this before (, but i did the changes in his files by FTP,

Julian has pasted the code you need, you just need to edit it to fill your requirements.

Luis Abarca comments:

I you need more help i can do it with a FTP login details.

Regards !


Linda answers:

Hi, it looks like someone else may have done that already.

It can be found here: [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Linda comments:

If you need help customizing it for your shop PM me with the login info.


badbwoy comments:

hi linda i took your advice and followed juliens instructions but it seems the version of templatic emporium shop theme i,m using is probably an updated version i,m a developer of sorts but right now confused can u help as u said you could if you can can u clarify and i will send you the ftp

thanx in advance
