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wordpress mu/ms freelancers? WordPress

Can anyone help me with this?

I need someone to install a wordpress mu or ms - not sure which

Main site =

A place where you can create a community to raise money for a specific cause.

nav menu for main site, will consist of the following:
causes - this is a list of all the causes currently in the network of communities
create a community - a place where someone can EASILY set up their own community for a specific cause
how it works - a page that explains how the network works.

Each community created will have the same default settings:

1) nav menu consists of the following: Deal of the day, all retailers, how it works, tell my story, blogs

Deal of the Day - a default deal from groupon, the same across all the communities.

All Retailers - a place where anyone can search the retailers by category, or search, affiliate banner links will be used here. It must be neatly organized and easy to manage.

How it Works - a place where it describes how the specific community works, and how their purchases support that specific cause, how they can create their own blog. This must be customizable to that specific community

Share your story - a place where anyone can sign up and create a blog EASILY and share it with friends.

Blogs - a place that lists all the active blogs/users in that specific community

Resources - a place for all the bloggers in that community to go for information regarding a specific topic - must be easily customizable and managed by the community creator, community creator can easily add topics

once the user creates a new community, it will take the format of every other community
Additionally, the new community must be customizable by the new community creator in the following ways:

1) custom domain name option, or use the default

2) nav menu the same across all communities, but customizable as outlined above

For each blog in the community it must have links and nav like the community

the blog can select a custom domain name, or default domain name.

blog can have customized topics, ability to upload media, share, etc

Thank you

Answers (3)


Gabriel Reguly answers:


I surely can help you.

Do you have a budget in mind?

Kind Regards,
Gabriel Reguly

john walker comments:

Yes. My budget is $250. However, I will not pay anything until the project is completed. I tried freelancer, paid $100 upfront, and got crap (

Please let me know your thoughts.



Gabriel Reguly comments:

Hi John,

If I would do the job, WordPress Multisite is the choice.

But I am afraid you will need to raise the budget to get what you want, e.g. an easy way to create those communities.

Multiple domains must be dealt one by one, easily done with cPanel, but is not something automatic, someone will have to manage it manually.

Then you will want a WordPress Multisite installation for every community, so it can have several blogs inside it. Again it is a manual operation.

Surely I can teach you how to do those tasks yourself, then your bugdet would be good for me.

Kind Regards,
Gabriel Reguly

Gabriel Reguly comments:

This[[LINK href=""]] link[[/LINK]] - has some information.

I have a WordPress Multisite installation running on a shared hosting, and it works despite the "<em>It is not recommended to try this on shared hosting.</em>", so you can try it too.

BTW, I see you are using DreamHost, I don't know about their management panel, is it cPanel?

Kind Regards,
Gabriel Reguly

john walker comments:

Thank you for the reply Gabriel. Dreamhost has cpanel. How much do you think something like this would cost? I learn quickly, but I would definitely need some help getting things going.

john walker comments:

I was surprised because I didn't know that Johan. Maybe freelancers shouldn't accept jobs they can't do.

Gabriel Reguly comments:


DreamHost has its own control panel ([[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]), unfortunately I have no experience with it.

Anyway, the process should be very similar to cPanel, after the weekend I would be able to help you to set your WordPress Multisite install and teach you how to add the other installs for additional communities.

As I said before, US$ 250,00 should be enough.

If you are really a fast learner and it takes a very short time, (e.g.) less than 2 hours, it can be something like US$ 150,00.

Most we can agree on an hour fee, and then I can provide you with ongoing assistance.

How does it sound to you?

Kind Regards,
Gabriel Reguly

Gabriel Reguly comments:


Do you still need help?

Kind Regards,
Gabriel Reguly

john walker comments:

Hi Gabriel,

My project details have changed as I feel the MS is too much involvement at the moment. I want to get a feel if this can really take off in one community before I invest in the MS development.

However, I do need someone to develop a site very similar to, with a customized design and logo, as well as same functionality and an admin panel to manage the retailers, affiliate links, etc. I would also desire support in getting it all set up, from soliciting retailers effectively and seo. I'd like it connected in some way to my other website,, after I establish a relationship with the retailers. I currently have a linkshare and commissionjunction account.

I have purchased the domain name, to use with this site. If you can assist me please let me know. I apologize for changing the project, but this is more reasonable right now until I can prove this can work.

Please let me know your thoughts, fees, and a timeline.

Thanks again,


Gabriel Reguly comments:

Hi John,

Sorry, I won't be available for the next 30 days.

If you still need help after January 24th, please contact me.

Happy holidays,
Gabriel Reguly


Jonah Schulte answers:

I'm sorry, but $250 for a project like the one you've described is not realistic. Don't be surprised if you pay $100 for a full web site and don't get a good result. A good web site, especially one with the complexity you've described, would likely cost thousands of dollars.


Tom Ransom answers:

And just as an FYI Dreamhost does NOT have cpanel, they have their own custom setup. It is feasible to have wild-card subdomains. But their shared hosting isn't practical for anything other than a small-ish (25 sites or so) setup. That isn't a negative to Dreamhost - they do a better job than most.

A serious site will require some sort of VPS solution as well as a bigger budget.