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woocommerce add to cart not working WordPress


this is my website

everything works fine in mozilla firefox browser, but if you open the site in google chrome and internet explorer and add to cart, it shows cart as empty, no matter what i do, its not working in google chrome and IE, where as cart works perfect in mozilla .

i am hosted on godaddy managed wordpress platform, please help, am loosing business.


Answers (3)


Arnav Joy answers:

Hello Rajeev,

I checked your site it is not working in firefox also , the mini cart when click on "Cart" link above at menu works but not the cart page .

I would like to see the problem ,but I will need access to your site , I have sent you pm please check.


rajivvaishnav comments:

it works in firefox on my side, and i have emailed you , pls check.



Maryke Janse van Rensburg answers:

Please try this, it worked for my Internet Explorer problem

My solution was to copy the following into the <head> </head> section:

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE9" >

rajivvaishnav comments:

where do i add this code ? which file ?

rajivvaishnav comments:

Please advice Maryke

Maryke Janse van Rensburg comments:

Put it in your header.php just before </head>

Like so:
------other header stuff here -------
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE9" >

rajivvaishnav comments:

i did , but its not reflected on the page ,when i go to view source it dosent show me that line, strange.

Maryke Janse van Rensburg comments:

It won't show in the source, you have to open your header.php and add it directly. Remember to backup the original before making changes.

rajivvaishnav comments:

ya ya i know , what i am saying is , after adding to header.php, when i open the site and view source that line should be seen but its not, can you check on your side, i have added that piece of code

Maryke Janse van Rensburg comments:

I've looked at your site, and in retrospect I don't think above will really help. Have you tried to de-activate plugins? I just registered on your site and it gave me a username admin1 instead of the one I entered - maryke. I think there is a conflict somewhere. Maybe activate the default twenty-fourteen theme and check if you have the same problems.

rajivvaishnav comments:

ok let me try

rajivvaishnav comments:

nope that too not working, i switched back to twenty fourteen, can you try in chrome and IE on your side please.

Maryke Janse van Rensburg comments:

Not working in Chrome, Firefox and IE

rajivvaishnav comments:

ok so what to do ? please help

Maryke Janse van Rensburg comments:

Have you checked your woocommerce-->system status? and is all okay there?

rajivvaishnav comments:

yes its all clear there, do you have skype ?


Ian Lincicome answers:

I had this problem once and I believe I fixed it by going to wp-admin and selecting settings/permalink then simply scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking the save button. This sometimes work because it doesn't always save the settings correctly when making theme and/or plugin changes. Good luck.