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using 3 Column Gallery on sterling wordpress home page WordPress

Is it possible to use the "3 column gallery page" style below the slider on my home page of my sterling word press template? I have 9 videos I want to add there and didn't know if I needed to modify anything.
My site is
and the way I wanted it to look and function is just like the demo page of the sterling theme, 3 column gallery page. The videos are youtube and want them to open in a light box just like the demo.

Answers (2)


Sabby Sam answers:

Hi yes,
It is possible. If you open the home page ( if you have created using home in the add new page ) you will see the different page template. Sterling theme have different option as well, you can opt any of them, however still you need to add code by your self . In order to do this job you have to give the credential details. Could you please PM me the credentials details and we will discuss.


Arnav Joy answers:

can you please show the demo ?