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Mike Truese

<h1>Congratulations! You can stop searching.<br /> We design and develop great websites. Really!</h1> Of the eleventy-billion so-called &lsquo;web development firms&rsquo; out there, you&rsquo;ve found one of the very few that actually delivers quality website design and development. <strong>Since 1999, Mike Truese Creations</strong> has worked with clients like you, small- to medium-sized businesses who knew they needed a <strong>helpful, honest, professional and effective web site designer and developer</strong>, and have grown to become a premier Virginia website design firm serving clients across the U.S. We make sure every website we create is fast to download, simple to navigate, search engine friendly, and great looking too! &ndash; all of which will <strong>directly and positively impact your return on investment in your website.</strong>
  • United States, Herndon Location
  • 7 Answers Given
  • 2 Contests Won
  • 2010-08-05 Joined the site