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taxonomy.php file isn't getting used WordPress


Note: this is working on my WP theme, and I have thousands of buyers. But ONE is having an issue, and it looks like the taxonomy.php file isn't getting used and instead the page shows the 404.php template.

For example, I have a taxonomy called "features", and in it there are features for cars, like DVD, Air Conditioning, etc.

The URL to see all the posts in the taxonomy is this:

I do have a taxonomy.php that exists, and like I said, I have thousands of buyers who don't have an issue. One person does, and I'd like to fix this for him.

Can anyone tell me what can fix this problem? Thanks.

Answers (5)


Maor Barazany answers:

Tell him try the following:
1. Re-save permalink structure, then re-check if problem solved.
2. If not, deactivate all plugins and see
3. Try to delete and re-upload the taxonomy.php file from the theme, and also re-choose the theme in the choosing theme admin screen.

John Buchmann comments:

Thanks! It was a friggin plugin causing the problem. Wow, I can't believe I didn't try disabling them already. You're the first to get the right answer, so I'll reward you the cash! :)


Luis Abarca answers:

- Check if the taxonomy.php file has the correct permissions (should have read permissions)

- Check the permalink structure on Settings->permalinks

- Confirm that /%category% its using on the permalinks

- Save and try again

- Deactivate and activate your theme/plugins


Abdessamad Idrissi answers:

.. I would add :
* Update to the lastest WordPress installation
* Deactivate all the plugins
* Test with Twentyten theme


Grégory Viguier answers:


If nothing of these works, try the flush_rewrite_rules() function after register your taxonomies (in your theme functions.php file):
function init_taxonomies(){
add_action('init', 'init_taxonomies', 0);
add_action('init', 'flush_rewrite_rules');

Or :

Ho, and I hope you don't have a page named "dvd", same slugs can cause troubles like this.


Jurre Hanema answers:

I think all the important things to check were already mentioned, but I'd like to respond to Grégory Viguier. Calling flush_rewrite_rules() should never be necessary and is, in general, a bad thing to do especially on every page load!