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submenu not equal centered in different browsers WordPress


Hi! I have a problem. A submenu is not centered perfectly.

I use headway theme.

I work on mac and i got the following problems:

safari: the submenu is centered under the main menu point

safari: it is off centered

firefox: it is off centered.

Dont wanna know how it looks on windows. I bet also strange!!

Can anyone help out??

the submenu is under "Menu" & "Weine"

Answers (3)


Arnav Joy answers:

write following to css

.block-type-navigation .nav-align-center ul {
margin-left: 110px;
text-align: left !important;

klaus dyba comments:

This made everything perfect! Thanks!!

klaus dyba comments:

Hi Arnav, in mobile view, the content and the footermenu are not centered anymore... any idea?


zebra webdesigns answers:

Hello Kalus dyba

Since the CSS is coming from cache I cant determine the line of css.

You can add the following CSS anywhere and get it work. adjust the px to get it the way you want

.block-type-navigation li:hover > ul.sub-menu, .block-type-navigation li.sfHover > ul.sub-menu {
margin-left: -88px !important;

zebra webdesigns comments:

Also check how it looks in when you re-size the browser.

The method I give will still makes the menu center aligned even the browser is resized.

Double check it before implement other methods.

happy coding :)

zebra webdesigns comments:

I have attached the image as how it looks.

after you implement the code I suggest