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stock of a product - woocommerce from prestashop WordPress


I have a product in my WooCommerce.
I need to know if this product is avalaible in the site of my friend to know if I can sell it.
How can I query the stock of this product in the site of my friend. His site is a prestashop.

Answers (6)


Cesar Contreras answers:

You can use a plugin to integrate PrestaShop to your WordPress site

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

ok cool ! Which plugin ?

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

no response ? Do you know a plugin ?

Dario Ferrer comments:

Do you need help? Since 2 days I'm waiting a simple yes/no from you in my answer (the last).


mod mi answers:

Are you adding the product in your woocommerce shop as a woocommerce product via the plugin's admin and you'd like to just check the availability from your friend's site?
OR you embed a prestashop product in your woocommerce shop pulling the data from your friend's prestashop site and you want to find a way to check the availability too?

In any case you need a crossplatform solution because there are a lot of issues to consider in terms of corssdomain access, database querying and etc. If you have a wide range of products maybe you should think of a cross platform paid service solution like the following that pulls data from a wide range of shopping cart platforms to one app like API2Cart

If your case is for a couple of external products the simplest solution would be to add them normally as woocommerce shop products, get a fixed quantity upon agreement with your friend reserved for your shop.

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

I am adding the product in my woocommerce shop as a woocommerce product via the plugin's admin and I'd like to just check the availability from my friend's site.
My case is for a couple of external products.


Bob answers:

I think It can be done with prestashop api

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

Yes I think to. It's the reason I ask : how ?

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

Do you know a code ?

Bob comments:

I do not have a code but I need to first see how prestashop api works then I can write it for you.


Arnav Joy answers:

you mean you want to show products of woocommerce in your presthashop site ?

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

No. I need to show in my woocommerce the quantity avalaible for a product. But the stock of this product is managed by another site (a prestashop site).

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

Do you have a response arnav ?

Arnav Joy comments:

I don't have knowledge of prestashop so I can not tell you .


ansell222 answers:

I'd like to ask the same question, seems like a problem to me.


Dario Ferrer answers:

Hello Sébastien, certainly it is possible to achieve what you want, but it is required a bit of collaboration from your friend in order to he upload a single php file on his Prestashop installation. Let me know if yes, so in the next two days I can write two little plugins for both of you which surely will run like a charm. Regards.