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rush simple template WordPress


Hi, I was so impressed with the response to my first question that I am going to post a job.

I have a simple template job I was working on but one of my clients from h*ll has dumped on me and the simple job has gone wanting.

I have the psd files and have already sliced up the background images. Need a quick theme done up with these images. Very clean and simple wordpress 3.0 - using the widgeted footer found in 1020 but no rotating image. widgeted side column on inner pages but no sidecolumns on home page. due to the size and placement of the logo it will need to be set as a background image. menu will be in header only.

would normally be able to do this myself - but like I said - I'm in too deep with this other client. I'm hoping for more work from this guy so it may mean more work for you guys too.

Issue: this needs to be done super fast. - Can you guys get this job done for me?

2 or 3 future jobs in the wings so let's consider this one a proving ground. I like simple, clean, well formatted and well commented code.

the site won't let me upload an image - so you can see the home page screenshot here:

and the inner page screenshot here:

please post a link to a sample of your work so I am not hiring someone blind.

Answers (2)


Pau answers:

can i take a look on the PSD? i'm interested in doing this job.

kindly email: [email protected]

Connie Taylor comments:

Links to screen shots of psds added to the job description

Pau comments:

should it be integrated an e-commerce function? as i see an add to cart button on inner page screenshot

Connie Taylor comments:

client is going to buy phpurchase which is a slick and easy to use plugin for the purpose of adding ecommerce functions. Once he has purchased the plugin I will make matching buttons and install it. I basically just need the layout/theme done.

Pau comments:

Sounds good. I'm interested in working this job. Please send the PSD file to [email protected] if you choose me. By the way, visit for my recent work as for your reference.


Vacant answers:

I'll take a look as well, please forward the PSD to [email protected]


what's your timeline borzoid?

Connie Taylor comments:

Links to screen shots added to the job description. I was hoping to get this done in a couple days. Had considered pulling an all nighter tonight but did an allnighter on the other job last night and just don't think I can do it justice at the moment.