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remove page name and navigation buttons on wordpress template WordPress


I have a purchased theme that is photography based. I am in need of having certain items (page name and navigation buttons) not show on the site. I have attached a visual of the site and the items that I do not want to show.

Thanks for your help.

Answers (6)


Kyle answers:

Yes you can simply add this to your style.css file:

#page_caption {
display: none !important;

That will remove the top area from displaying

Kyle comments:

If you would like to remove the #page_caption from your theme all together, as Charles Klycinski below mentioned, for the Rhea theme you can go to your theme folder and open page.php and comment out line 245-254


Gabriel Reguly answers:

Hi movino4me,

That is a nice site, congratulations.

CSS is the easiest way to remove the elements you don't want to show. They are already being hidden/shown using CSS, so I don't see it as a bad practice.

However the most recommended way would be making a child theme, [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]], so any changes would not be lost when your theme requeries an update.

(Did you know WordPress 3.5 is due next week?)

Another advice would be to <strong>not use wp-e-commerce</strong>, WooCommerce is a better option IMO.

If you will have only 2 products, even Gravity Forms (a paid plugin) will be a wiser choice.

I have worked with those 3 plugins, specifically building payments gateways add-ons for them, so that is something I am fairly familiar.

([[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]])


Gabriel Reguly comments:

Hi movino4me,

Every other expert seems to have not seen the bottom buttons, the CSS for not displaying it could be

#controls-wrapper {
display: none !important;

Be warned that most likely it would be overruled by the same funcionality that makes you content be shown/hidden when you press those +/- images.



Charles Klycinski answers:

Display none is not a good practice. I would comment the line in index.php file.

Please find this like in index.php page and delete it.

<div style="padding-bottom:0" class="sidebar_content full_width" id="page_caption">
<div style="float:left">
<h1 class="cufon">Home</h1><br>
<div class="page_control">
<a href="#" id="page_minimize" style="display: block;">
<img alt="" src="">


Arnav Joy answers:

can you share your header.php


Asad Iqbal answers:

If you please share your header.php and footer.php file here then I can tell exactly what do you need to do. Else you can inbox me your site's temporary login in case you do not want to do code.


Kiet Luong answers:

Hi, Let me help you do this,
Thanks !