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post links not working on front page WordPress



the theme im using does not allow for links to work on the first page in the post exerpt before opening a post.

u will see that on the ''rss post'' ive done, the copy ''You can subscribe to my <em>RSS Feed here</em>'' should be linked but it wont show on the first page, instead you have to open the post to see the link work.

Any ideas how i can fix this?



Answers (1)


Vidyut Kale answers:


I don't understand the problem clearly. Where is "here"? Your profile doesn't have a website either. It would help to see. I tried opening a website you mention in an earlier post, but the links are working fine on it.


Vidyut Kale comments:

Usually, unless you code html into the excerpt field, it will not show links in the excerpt view by default. If you want the link to show, you'll have to go the "<a href=" route in the excerpts field rather than the automatically generated excerpt.

davidsidhom comments:

sorry forgot to put the link! its

ive tried using

You can subscribe to my <a href="">RSS Feed here</a>

but the link still wont work on the front page