if you view this domain in IE 7 or 8 (I'm on os 10.6, VMWare Fusion, Windows Vista), the page titles print to HTML.
in modern browsers, it does not.
why is this happening? how can i fix it?
i'm using Chris Coyier's Blank Theme.
url: sandbox.bucktowndigital.com
Dan | gteh answers:
Seems you have a syntax error when generating your <title> </title>
When I view source, it looks like
- From Paper to Pixels </title>
and the < /title> is not being closed off properly.
Can you post the PHP code for your title tags?
juan manuel incaurgarat answers:
can u please submit your php code for that printing?
echoing text in php is very simple
<?php echo "some text"; ?>
<?php echo $variable; ?>
or use print
<?php print ("some text"); ?>
<?php print ($variable); ?>
i think that its probably printing an html tag within another