I need to add a different lightbox to my portfolio done in wp. I used the sansation theme by fivesquared. Here is the link to my website www.edhoxha.com , here is how I want the lightbox
I still need the description that I currently have for the portfolio items but I want the images to open exacrly like the example above.
Anyone available to do this for me?
Buzu B answers:
I worked directly with Sean, the author of Sansation. My job was to add certain functionality to it, and I have been working with Sansation since then, most of the time customizing it. I can modify it for you, but I have to say that 10 bucks is too cheap. I will send you my email address on a Private Message, if you are interested, just contact me directly.
West Coast Design Co. answers:
Hi Eduard,
Have you checked out; FancyBox? [[LINK href="http://wcdco.info/w"]]http://wcdco.info/w[[/LINK]]
Rashad Aliyev answers:
Hello I want to give you some suggestion:
1- http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/lightbox-2/
See example: http://stimuli.ca/lightbox/
2- http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/lightbox-gallery/
Screenshots: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/lightbox-gallery/screenshots/
P.S: I don't know 1st or 2nd one will work via 3.0 or not. The plugins page doen't contain any information about this.
3- http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/lightbox-plus/ <strong> (BEST CHOISE)</strong>
Screenshots: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/lightbox-plus/screenshots/
<strong><em>P.S: working with wp3.0</em></strong>
you can see here how it's working (using it on plugin page) : http://www.23systems.net/portfolio/
Screenshots: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/photo-lightbox/screenshots/
best regards,