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lost website when updating theme WordPress


can anyone help:

I jsut updated my theme (WPfolio) within wordpress
and it froze at the end after it said the update was complete

now i cant access my site at all
no error comes up, just a blank screen

i tried to access on another machine (a PC)
and it states this:

•The website is under maintenance.
•The website has a programming error.

I contacted the creators of the theme but he didnt help, said that it had been tested and should work,
wondering what avenue to take now


my website is
i am new to wordpress and this is only part way complete (if you can reach it)

Answers (5)


Julian Lannigan answers:

Try deleting the file called ".maintenance" in the root of the site's web folder.

That should disable the maintenance mode.

Julian Lannigan comments:

I would also suggest if you have an "upgrade" folder in the wp-content folder, remove all the contents of that directory via FTP. <strong>Do not</strong> actually remove the "upgrade" folder itself.


Kailey Lampert answers:

My first suggestion would be to download the theme and re-uploading it via FTP.


Kannan Sanjeevan answers:

I think the theme was not updated successfully . Do you have the backup copy of the theme ? If yes, delete the updated copy and install the old version of the theme , update it.


Give me access to the site i will fix it .



Denzel Chia answers:


Hope you had backup of your original wpfolio theme.

I am sure there is a PHP error when you updated your theme. Your blog is not showing anything, because your hosting server has error reporting turned off.

This is what you can do.

1) Use ftp to access your WordPress install.
2) Use ftp to download a copy of your wpfolio theme (if there is any modifications done by you that you intend to keep).
3) Use ftp to delete your entire theme folder of wpfolio.
4) Now you should be able to access your site, and your site should be revert to using Twenty Ten theme now.

Hope it helps.



Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner answers:

are you sure that the url is
i find a wordpress site here :
is it not your site ?

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

i have try to use this theme
i have use the editor of theme within wordpress : /wp-admin/theme-install.php
i use the last version of this theme (click on "update automatically" here : /wp-admin/themes.php?activated=true )

and i have a message of error :

Warning: require_once(/ [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in / on line 16

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /homez.144/archipar/wp-content/themes/wpfolio/functions.php on line 16

in fnctions.php the line 16 is :
require_once(THEMELIB . '/widgets.php');

so this file is not in the theme.

It sounds like an incomplete update

So you can see that someone have the same problem here :

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

you can download a correct version of wpfolio1.74 here :
i have try, it's ok

you must update your theme by the ftp

1-dezip the uploaded theme
2-go to FTP : wordpress/wp-content/themes (is it OK for you ? You know the functionning of the FTP ?)
3-move the new theme into this folder
4-go to your wordpress admin :
5-activate the theme "WPFolio 1.74 by Steve Lambert & many others"