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link manager. Save link without URL WordPress


i need a little function.

In the link manager, it's not possible to add a link if the field URL is empty.

I need to save links without target, so i need to save link with the field URL empty.

Answers (4)


mdepresb answers:

Hi Sebastien,

Link Manager, in the Widgets?


Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

THE link manager : /wp-admin/link-manager.php


Abdelhadi Touil answers:

If I understand what you want, then I think you can simply add # symbole as link.
Good luck.

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

but i need to have the field EMPTY

Abdelhadi Touil comments:

You mean by link manager when we add a link in the post editor? or when adding links in the sidebar for example?

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

THE link manager : /wp-admin/link-manager.php


Dbranes answers:

if you are using


to display the links from the link-manager you could try something like

function my_custom_urls($s){
return str_replace("http://empty","",$s);


add_filter('wp_list_bookmarks', 'my_custom_urls');

where you have write


in the url field.

Hope this helps.

Dbranes comments:

ps: you can also use something like:

add_filter('wp_list_bookmarks', 'my_custom_urls');

function my_custom_urls($s){
$from = "/href=\"#\"/i";
$to = 'href=""';
return preg_replace($from, $to, $s);

if you want to write # in the link field, to indicate empty href.

Have tested this on wp_list_bookmarks(), and the filter seems to work.

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

i don't need this function.
I need the possibility to have the field "url" empty in the link manager.

is it clear ?

Dbranes comments:

ok i see ;-)

well one quick&dirty way around this is commenting out one line in the core file: "/wp-admin/includes/bookmark.php"

i.e. line 154 change

if ( trim( $link_url ) == '' )
return 0;


if ( trim( $link_url ) == '' )
//return 0;

Hope this helps

Dbranes comments:

ps: I think the link-manager is going to phase out from the core in future versions of Wordpress, so you might need to consider that in the long run

See fx. discussions here:


Gabriel Reguly answers:


Basically you can't save a link with an empty URL, because of this

if ( trim( $link_url ) == '' )
return 0;

From <em>function wp_insert_link( $linkdata, $wp_error = false ) </em>, file is wp-admin/includes/bookmark.php

Of course you could create your own plugin to do it, based on the above code and this plugin
