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jquery amends require to scroll bar WordPress


I've purchased and used a wordpress theme but I need some tweeks to the way it functions.

[[LINK href=""]]This site[[/LINK]] has a scrollbar which runs along the bottom of the site.

Currently there are two things that need to be adjusted.
1. The client doesn't like the elastic effect that the scroll bar uses and wants the scroll to be directly linked to the movement of the image.

2. The scroll button itself is a bit clunky and if you take the scroll all the way to the far right, it then becomes difficult to select and scroll left again.

I need someone to amend both the scrolling elasticity and see if there is a fix to make the scroll bar more reliable.

If more information is needed please get in contact



Answers (1)


Francisco Javier Carazo Gil answers:

Hi Curtis,

I can fix the first one, but the second is more difficult.

Give me access to your FTP to be able to modify theme please.

Francisco Javier Carazo Gil comments:

Give me details via private message.