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image not shown on Android/iOS WordPress

I implemented the new leaflet version in my wordpress mapping plugin.
Please check out the page on desktop browser - the layer control image (layers.png) is shown correctly (see also attached screenshot).

If I access the map on Android or iOS, the image is hidden - see also attached (image 2)

I couldnt figure out which css from is causing this.

Any ideas anyone?


found the issue - had to add the background-image-attribute to the following css definition:

.leaflet-touch .leaflet-control-layers-toggle {
width: 44px;
height: 44px;

Answers (5)


zebra webdesigns answers:

Hi Robert

I couldnt access that URL

Robert Seyfriedsberger comments:

must be an issue on your side - for me


Nirmal answers:

Yes, the link doesn't work for me too. Can you please check again ?

Robert Seyfriedsberger comments:

still thinking it is an error on your side:


Balanean Corneliu answers:

Try to change this one with the code above.

.leaflet-control {
pointer-events: auto;
position: static !important;
z-index: 9999 !important;

Balanean Corneliu comments:

And can try to add !important to all .leaflet.... lines.

Balanean Corneliu comments:

ON desk version working fine but on android in 2 browsers its not working. The source of that icon is in the right place? I think the mobile browsers are diferent mode to find that way.

Balanean Corneliu comments:

At me its working the link guys : [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Balanean Corneliu comments:

Balanean Corneliu comments:

Im glad to hear you have founded a solution it was around my question about the place of the image ;) Good luck with the plugin.


Just Me answers:

Shows up fine on my iphone.


Sai kumar answers:

The link is not working. Please check it