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how to hard code get_option({MY SERIALIZED DATA}) WordPress


how would I hard code

$apt_settings = get_option('automatic_post_tagger');

when the option_value = this:


I want to hard code this into php so I don't have to do a query for it

Answers (2)


Dbranes answers:

You can try this:

$apt_settings = array(
'apt_plugin_version' => 1.5,
'apt_admin_notice_install' => 0,
'apt_admin_notice_update' => 0,
'apt_admin_notice_prompt' => 0,
'apt_hidden_widgets' => '',
'apt_stats_current_tags' => 308,
'apt_stats_install_date' => 1378963764,
'apt_title' => 1,
'apt_content' => 1,
'apt_excerpt' => 0,
'apt_handling_current_tags' => 1,
'apt_convert_diacritic' => 0,
'apt_ignore_case' => 1,
'apt_strip_tags' => 0,
'apt_replace_whitespaces' => 0,
'apt_replace_nonalphanumeric' => 1,
'apt_ignore_wildcards' => 1,
'apt_substring_analysis' => 0,
'apt_substring_analysis_length' => 1000,
'apt_substring_analysis_start' => 0,
'apt_wildcards' => 1,
'apt_wildcards_alphanumeric_only' => 0,
'apt_word_separators' => ".,?!:;'\"`\/()[]{}_+=-<>~@#$%^&*",
'apt_tag_limit' => 20,
'apt_tagging_hook_type' => 1,
'apt_string_separator' => ',',
'apt_wildcard_character' => '*',
'apt_stored_backups' => 5,
'apt_warning_messages' => 1,
'apt_bulk_tagging_posts_per_cycle' => 250,
'apt_bulk_tagging_queue' => '',
'apt_bulk_tagging_statuses' => 'auto-draft,draft,inherit,trash',

Katie comments:

this is working thx

Dbranes comments:

ok great ;-)


John Cotton answers:

$a = array (
'apt_plugin_version' => 1.5,
'apt_admin_notice_install' => 0,
'apt_admin_notice_update' => 0,
'apt_admin_notice_prompt' => 0,
'apt_hidden_widgets' => null,
'apt_stats_current_tags' => 308,
'apt_stats_install_date' => 1378963764,
'apt_title' => 1,
'apt_content' => 1,
'apt_excerpt' => 0,
'apt_handling_current_tags' => 1,
'apt_convert_diacritic' => 0,
'apt_ignore_case' => 1,
'apt_strip_tags' => 0,
'apt_replace_whitespaces' => 0,
'apt_replace_nonalphanumeric' => 1,
'apt_ignore_wildcards' => 1,
'apt_substring_analysis' => 0,
'apt_substring_analysis_length' => 1000,
'apt_substring_analysis_start' => 0,
'apt_wildcards' => 1,
'apt_wildcards_alphanumeric_only' => 0,
'apt_word_separators' => '.,?!:;\'"`\/()[]{}_+=-<>~@#$%^&*',
'apt_tag_limit' => 20,
'apt_tagging_hook_type' => 1,
'apt_string_separator' => ',',
'apt_wildcard_character' => '*',
'apt_stored_backups' => 5,
'apt_warning_messages' => 1,
'apt_bulk_tagging_posts_per_cycle' => 250,
'apt_bulk_tagging_queue' => null,
'apt_bulk_tagging_statuses' => 'auto-draft,draft,inherit,trash'