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how much to intergrate html theme with wordpress menu functions WordPress

I am moving a html theme into wordpress and would like to get someone to integrate the current menu styles into the wordpress menu functionality

How much effort is this and how much should it cost for someone to perform this work? If you are able to do this, please let me know :)

The theme is below, I believe it is based off the twitter bootstrap

Answers (4)


Arnav Joy answers:

where is your html site?

npeplow comments:

Hi - You can see a demo of the theme at the link below. It's html with css, dont think providing the files publicly really help much more at this stage, as you can easily see the source code. The developer would be given a working wordpress env with the theme basics working on wordpress, just the menu section would need to be worked on

Arnav Joy comments:

I have sent you pm about the cost , please check it


Rowela Alzona answers:

Want to see your html theme , and we will scale how much work will be in it. :)

npeplow comments:

Hi - You can see a demo of the theme at the link below. It's html with css, dont think providing the files publicly really help much more at this stage, as you can easily see the source code. The developer would be given a working wordpress env with the theme basics working on wordpress, just the menu section would need to be worked on


Pixel Coder answers:

You need to make use of


You have to first initialise a menu within your theme functions and assign it via wp-admin > appearance > menus.

Then allocate some pages.

Next you need to use the code above wp_nav_menu() above to output the menu.

It's a simple process but if you are not versed there might be some reading involved.

npeplow comments:

Hi Pixel

Thanks, I took a look at these functions perviously. My question is around the time effort and cost of getting a developer to do this for me



Naveen Chand answers:

I've sent my quote in a private message to you.