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go back to paged category WordPress


hi need a bit of help here

my categories are paged and I display only 6 posts per page.
I visit a post number 7 displayed on page no. 2.

I'd like to have link which takes me back to the page of category where the excerpt was displayed, in above scenario page 2.

I must not relay on js history.

6 posts per page is a static number.

how can I get a link like that?

Answers (2)


Lew Ayotte answers:

If each post is in a single category, this function could work:

Back to <?php the_category(' ', ) ?>

If you have several categories per post, you'll need some logic, like:

if (preg_match('#/category/(.*)/.*#', $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"], $matches)) {
echo '<a href=' . get_category_link($matches[0] . '>Back to ' . $matches[0] . '</a>';



Buzu B answers:

you could use the referrer of the current page and go back to that page.

An example of this would be something like:

<a href="<?php echo $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] ?>">Back</a>

I think that would do it.