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geo mashup multiple category map pins WordPress


Two Questions!

In Geo Mashup plugin I'm trying to get map icon for a post with multiple categories.

I can either do this by getting one of the multiple categories.
Or creating a seperate taxonomy.

However I managed to be able to do neither.

I installed the required geo-mashup-custom plugin and get the icons to work for single map using:

else if ( obj.terms.category == 11 ) {

// When there is more than one category - mm_20_mixed.png
obj.icon.image = properties.custom_url_path + '/images/beaches.png';
obj.icon.iconShadow = '';
obj.icon.iconSize = [ 37, 37 ];
obj.icon.iconAnchor = [ 12, 24 ];
obj.icon.iconInfoWindowAnchor = [ 12, 1 ];


however if a post has multiple categories it simply doesnt work.

I also tried creating a seperate taxonomy named mapcategory and tried :

if ( obj.terms.mapcategory == 11 ) {

didnt work.

I used to be able to do this with:

if (categories[0] == 10) {

but somehow that doesnt work anymore.

more info:

2) I'm able to get lat long information from Geo Mashup and would like to display weather for each location under a page. What would be the easiest way to to this, passing lat and long to a plugin to display weather for a give location.

Answers (2)


Arnav Joy answers:

you can try this

array = [12, 5, 8, 3, 17];

else if ( array.includes(11) ) {

nervusvagus comments:

thank you, I tried it as obj.terms.category.includes(992) but it didnt work:

else if ( obj.terms.category.includes(992) ) {

// When there is more than one category - mm_20_mixed.png
obj.icon.image = properties.custom_url_path + '/images/campingtent.png';
obj.icon.iconShadow = '';
obj.icon.iconSize = [ 37, 37 ];
obj.icon.iconAnchor = [ 12, 24 ];
obj.icon.iconInfoWindowAnchor = [ 12, 1 ];


else if ( obj.terms.category.includes(994) ) {

// When there is more than one category - mm_20_mixed.png
obj.icon.image = properties.custom_url_path + '/images/museum.png';
obj.icon.iconShadow = '';
obj.icon.iconSize = [ 37, 37 ];
obj.icon.iconAnchor = [ 12, 24 ];
obj.icon.iconInfoWindowAnchor = [ 12, 1 ];


Also tried creating a custom taxonomy named mapcategory and added a few items into it and tried:

if ( obj.terms.mapcategory == 11 ) {

and that didnt work.


Dylan Kuhn answers:

It looks like you've dug up most of the relevant historical resources. Some of them include parts of this snippet, which may be relevant:

It's possible there's a bug in the Geo Mashup javascript API. The best way to get that fixed is to put up a publicly accessible example of the problem and link to it from a github issue.

For the weather integration it will depend on the requirements of the plugin you use. I haven't done this and don't have a recommendation, but if you have picked a plugin and can link to documentation I might be able to make a suggestion.

nervusvagus comments:

Hi Dylan! Thank you for the great plugin. For now I'm thinking this is not a bug but something I'm missing. I checked that code but it doesnt seem to address posts belonging to multiple categories. If a post is in multiple categories the map displays the generic icon for posts with multiple categories.

Regarding custom taxonomy I created I'm not sure why it didnt work, theres no way to debug if ( obj.terms.mapcategory.includes(11) ) {

Regarding weather plugin, that question is just a bonus for now but the template I use (Newspaper by Tagdiv uses a common widget from however they seemed to include only the City Name as location input. Even though openweathermap does have the option of using geographic coordinates: . Editing the template plugin passes my ability. I as hoping there might be another service that uses widget type html to get lat long.

Dylan Kuhn comments:

The code you tried based on Arnav's suggestion looks ok to me, I would need access to an example to tell what might be going wrong.

If you can post the code the embed code for the weather widget you want to use I'll see if I can suggest a Geo Mashup version.

nervusvagus comments:

Thank you, yes Arnav Joy's suggestion actualled helped here is the final code for reference:

with all images under plugins/geo-mashup-custom/images/


(function() {

GeoMashup.addAction( 'objectIcon', function( properties, obj ) {

if ( obj.terms.category.includes(993) || obj.terms.category.includes(994)) {
obj.icon.image = properties.custom_url_path + '/images/campingtent.png';
obj.icon.iconSize = [ 37, 37 ];
obj.icon.iconAnchor = [ 12, 24 ];
obj.icon.iconInfoWindowAnchor = [ 12, 1 ];


else if ( obj.terms.category.includes(995)) {
obj.icon.image = properties.custom_url_path + '/images/camping-2.png';
obj.icon.iconSize = [32, 37 ];
obj.icon.iconAnchor = [ 12, 24 ];
obj.icon.iconInfoWindowAnchor = [ 12, 1 ];


else if ( obj.terms.category.includes(11)) {
obj.icon.image = properties.custom_url_path + '/images/beaches.png';
obj.icon.iconSize = [ 32, 37 ];
obj.icon.iconAnchor = [ 12, 24 ];
obj.icon.iconInfoWindowAnchor = [ 12, 1 ];


else if ( obj.terms.category.includes(6)) {
obj.icon.image = properties.custom_url_path + '/images/ancientmonument.png';
obj.icon.iconSize = [ 32, 37 ];
obj.icon.iconAnchor = [ 12, 24 ];
obj.icon.iconInfoWindowAnchor = [ 12, 1 ];


else if ( obj.terms.category.includes(18)) {
obj.icon.image = properties.custom_url_path + '/images/ancienttempleruin.png';
obj.icon.iconSize = [ 37, 37 ];
obj.icon.iconAnchor = [ 12, 24 ];
obj.icon.iconInfoWindowAnchor = [ 12, 1 ];


else if ( obj.terms.category.includes(24)) {
obj.icon.image = properties.custom_url_path + '/images/amphitheater-2.png';
obj.icon.iconSize = [ 32, 37 ];
obj.icon.iconAnchor = [ 12, 24 ];
obj.icon.iconInfoWindowAnchor = [ 12, 1 ];


else if ( obj.terms.category.includes(12)) {
obj.icon.image = properties.custom_url_path + '/images/art-museum-2.png';
obj.icon.iconSize = [ 32, 37 ];
obj.icon.iconAnchor = [ 12, 24 ];
obj.icon.iconInfoWindowAnchor = [ 12, 1 ];


else if ( obj.terms.category.includes(15)) {
obj.icon.image = properties.custom_url_path + '/images/citywalls.png';
obj.icon.iconSize = [ 32, 37 ];
obj.icon.iconAnchor = [ 12, 24 ];
obj.icon.iconInfoWindowAnchor = [ 12, 1 ];

else if ( obj.terms.category.includes(996)) {
obj.icon.image = properties.custom_url_path + '/images/hostel_0star.png';
obj.icon.iconSize = [ 32, 37 ];
obj.icon.iconAnchor = [ 12, 24 ];
obj.icon.iconInfoWindowAnchor = [ 12, 1 ];


else if ( obj.terms.category.includes(7)) {
obj.icon.image = properties.custom_url_path + '/images/beautiful.png';
obj.icon.iconSize = [32, 37 ];
obj.icon.iconAnchor = [ 12, 24 ];
obj.icon.iconInfoWindowAnchor = [ 12, 1 ];


else if ( obj.terms.category.includes(13)) {
obj.icon.image = properties.custom_url_path + '/images/jacuzzi.png';
obj.icon.iconSize = [ 32, 37 ];
obj.icon.iconAnchor = [ 12, 24 ];
obj.icon.iconInfoWindowAnchor = [ 12, 1 ];


else if ( obj.terms.category.includes(3) || obj.terms.category.includes(4) || obj.terms.category.includes(17) || obj.terms.category.includes(14)) {
obj.icon.image = properties.custom_url_path + '/images/hiking.png';
obj.icon.iconSize = [ 32, 37 ];
obj.icon.iconAnchor = [ 12, 24 ];
obj.icon.iconInfoWindowAnchor = [ 12, 1 ];


} );


nervusvagus comments:

The weather widget that comes with the theme uses their own plugin that is :


Naturally if this file is modified I will have to update it each time plugin gets an update but here is the file that takes city value which I'm trying to modify into lat / long from "geo mashup" possibly...

* Created by ra.
* Date: 9/28/2015

class td_weather

private static $caching_time = 10800; // 3 hours
//private static $owm_api_key = 'f5dc074e364b4d0bbaacbab0030031a3';

// private static $owm_api_keys = array (
// //'4d99fdabeab40f86485ab0cdefab561b',
// );

* Used by all the shortcodes + widget to render the weather. The top bar has a separate function bellow
* @param $atts
* @param $block_uid
* @param $template string -> block_template | top_bar_template
* @return string
static function render_generic($atts, $block_uid, $template = 'block_template')

if (empty($atts['w_key']) and empty($atts['w_location'])) {
return td_util::get_block_error('Weather widget', "Configure this block/widget's settings to get weather");

if (empty($atts['w_location'])) {
return td_util::get_block_error('Weather widget', "<strong>Location</strong> is empty. Configure this block/widget and enter a location and we will show the weather from that location :)");

if (empty($atts['w_key'])) {
return td_util::get_block_error('Weather widget', "<strong>Api key</strong> is empty. Configure this block/widget and enter an api key :)");

$current_unit = 0; // 0 - metric
$current_temp_label = 'C';
$current_speed_label = 'kmh';

if (!empty($atts['w_units'])) {
$current_unit = 1; // imperial
$current_temp_label = 'F';
$current_speed_label = 'mph';

// prepare the data and do an api call
$weather_data = array(
'block_uid' => '',
'location' => $atts['w_location'],
'api_location' => '', // the current location. It is updated by the wheater API
'api_language' => '', //this is set down bellow
'api_key' => $atts['w_key'],
'today_icon' => '',
'today_icon_text' => '',
'today_temp' => array(
0, // metric
0 // imperial
'today_humidity' => '',
'today_wind_speed' => array(
0, // metric
0 // imperial
'today_min' => array(
0, // metric
0 // imperial
'today_max' => array(
0, // metric
0 // imperial
'today_clouds' => 0,
'current_unit' => $current_unit,
'forecast' => array()

// disable the cache for debugging
// td_remote_cache::_disable_cache();
$weather_data_status = self::get_weather_data($atts, $weather_data);

// check if we have an error and return that
if ($weather_data_status != 'api_fail_cache' and $weather_data_status != 'api' and $weather_data_status != 'cache') {
return $weather_data_status;

// we have to patch the cached data - to make sure we have the REAL block_uid that is now on the page
$weather_data['block_uid'] = $block_uid;

// render the HTML
$buffy = '<!-- td weather source: ' . $weather_data_status . ' -->';

if ($template == 'block_template') {
// renders the block template
$buffy .= self::render_block_template($atts, $weather_data, $current_temp_label, $current_speed_label, $block_uid);
} else if($template == 'tdb_weather_template') {
// render the tdb weather template
$buffy .= self::tdb_weather_template($atts, $weather_data, $current_temp_label);
} else {
// render the top menu template
$buffy .= self::render_top_bar_template($atts, $weather_data, $current_temp_label);

// do not add any items to tdWeather if we're on the front end editor / ajax front end editor
if (!td_util::tdc_is_live_editor_iframe() && !td_util::tdc_is_live_editor_ajax()) {
// render the JS
jQuery().ready(function () {
tdWeather.addItem(<?php echo json_encode($weather_data) ?>);
// $script_buffer = ob_get_clean();
// $js_script = "\n". td_util::remove_script_tag($script_buffer);
td_js_buffer::add_to_footer("\n" . td_util::remove_script_tag(ob_get_clean()));

return $buffy;

* renders the template that is used in the top bar of the site
* @param $atts - the atts that the block gets
* @param $weather_data - the precomputed weather data
* @param $current_temp_label - C/F
* @return string - HTML the rendered template
private static function render_top_bar_template($atts, $weather_data, $current_temp_label)
$current_unit = $weather_data['current_unit'];
<div class="td-weather-top-widget" id="<?php echo $weather_data['block_uid'] ?>">
<i class="td-icons <?php echo $weather_data['today_icon'] ?>"></i>
<div class="td-weather-now" data-block-uid="<?php echo $weather_data['block_uid'] ?>">
<span class="td-big-degrees"><?php echo $weather_data['today_temp'][$current_unit] ?></span>
<span class="td-weather-unit"><?php echo $current_temp_label ?></span>
<div class="td-weather-header">
<div class="td-weather-city"><?php echo $weather_data['api_location'] ?></div>
return ob_get_clean();

* renders the template that is used in the top bar of the site
* @param $atts - the atts that the block gets
* @param $weather_data - the precomputed weather data
* @param $current_temp_label - C/F
* @return string - HTML the rendered template
private static function tdb_weather_template($atts, $weather_data, $current_temp_label)
$current_unit = $weather_data['current_unit'];
<i class="td-icons <?php echo $weather_data['today_icon'] ?>"></i>
<div class="tdb-weather-deg-wrap" data-block-uid="<?php echo $weather_data['block_uid'] ?>">
<span class="tdb-weather-deg"><?php echo $weather_data['today_temp'][$current_unit] ?></span>
<span class="tdb-weather-unit"><?php echo $current_temp_label ?></span>
<div class="tdb-weather-city"><?php echo $weather_data['api_location'] ?></div>
return ob_get_clean();

* renders the template that is used on all weather blocks and widgets
* @param $atts - the atts that the block gets
* @param $weather_data - the precomputed weather data
* @param $current_temp_label - C/F
* @param $current_speed_label - mph/kmh
* @param $block_uid the unique id of the block
* @return string - HTML the rendered template
private static function render_block_template($atts, $weather_data, $current_temp_label, $current_speed_label, $block_uid)
$current_unit = $weather_data['current_unit'];

<div class="td-weather-header">
<div class="td-weather-city"><?php echo $weather_data['api_location'] ?></div>
<div class="td-weather-condition"><?php echo $weather_data['today_icon_text'] ?></div>
<i class="td-location-icon td-icons-location" data-block-uid="<?php echo $weather_data['block_uid'] ?>"></i>

<div class="td-weather-set-location">
<form class="td-manual-location-form" action="#" data-block-uid="<?php echo $weather_data['block_uid'] ?>">
<input id="<?php echo $weather_data['block_uid'] ?>" class="td-location-set-input" type="text"
name="location" value="">
<label>enter location</label>

<div class="td-weather-temperature">
<div class="td-weather-temp-wrap">
<div class="td-weather-animated-icon">
class="td_animation_sprite-27-100-80-0-0-1 <?php echo $weather_data['today_icon'] ?> td-w-today-icon"
data-td-block-uid="<?php echo $block_uid ?>"></span>
<div class="td-weather-now" data-block-uid="<?php echo $weather_data['block_uid'] ?>">
<span class="td-big-degrees"><?php echo $weather_data['today_temp'][$current_unit] ?></span>
<span class="td-circle">&deg;</span>
<span class="td-weather-unit"><?php echo $current_temp_label; ?></span>
<div class="td-weather-lo-hi">
<div class="td-weather-degrees-wrap">
<i class="td-up-icon td-icons-arrows-up"></i>
class="td-small-degrees td-w-high-temp"><?php echo $weather_data['today_max'][$current_unit] ?></span>
<span class="td-circle">&deg;</span>
<div class="td-weather-degrees-wrap">
<i class="td-down-icon td-icons-arrows-down"></i>
class="td-small-degrees td-w-low-temp"><?php echo $weather_data['today_min'][$current_unit] ?></span>
<span class="td-circle">&deg;</span>

<div class="td-weather-info-wrap">
<div class="td-weather-information">
<div class="td-weather-section-1">
<i class="td-icons-drop"></i>
<span class="td-weather-parameter td-w-today-humidity"><?php echo $weather_data['today_humidity'] ?>
<div class="td-weather-section-2">
<i class="td-icons-wind"></i>
class="td-weather-parameter td-w-today-wind-speed"><?php echo $weather_data['today_wind_speed'][$current_unit] . $current_speed_label; ?></span>
<div class="td-weather-section-3">
<i class="td-icons-cloud"></i>
<span class="td-weather-parameter td-w-today-clouds"><?php echo $weather_data['today_clouds'] ?>

<div class="td-weather-week">
$count = 0;
foreach ($weather_data['forecast'] as $forecast_index => $day_forecast) {
if ($count === 5) {
<div class="td-weather-days">
<div class="td-day-<?php echo $forecast_index ?>"><?php echo $day_forecast['day_name'] ?></div>

<div class="td-day-degrees">
class="td-degrees-<?php echo $forecast_index ?>"><?php echo $day_forecast['day_temp'][$current_unit] ?></span>
<span class="td-circle">&deg;</span>

return ob_get_clean();

* @param $atts
* @param $weather_data - the precomputed weather data
* @return bool|string
* - bool:true - we have the $weather_data (from cache or from a real request)
* - string - error message
private static function get_weather_data($atts, &$weather_data)
if (empty($atts['w_language'])) {
$atts['w_language'] = 'en';
$sytem_locale = get_locale();
$available_locales = array('en', 'es', 'sp', 'fr', 'it', 'de', 'pt', 'ro', 'pl', 'ru', 'uk', 'ua', 'fi', 'nl', 'bg', 'sv', 'se', 'ca', 'tr', 'hr', 'zh', 'zh_tw', 'zh_cn', 'hu');

if (in_array($sytem_locale, $available_locales)) {
$atts['w_language'] = $sytem_locale;
if (in_array(substr($sytem_locale, 0, 2), $available_locales)) {
$atts['w_language'] = substr($sytem_locale, 0, 2);

$cache_key = strtolower($atts['w_location'] . '_' . $atts['w_language'] . '_' . $weather_data['current_unit']);
if (td_remote_cache::is_expired(__CLASS__, $cache_key) === true) {
// cache is expired - do a request
$today_api_data = self::owm_get_today_data($atts, $weather_data);
$forecast_api_data = self::owm_get_five_days_data($atts, $weather_data);

// check the api call response
if ($today_api_data !== true or $forecast_api_data !== true) {
// we have an error on one of the apis
$weather_data = td_remote_cache::get(__CLASS__, $cache_key);
if ($weather_data === false) { // miss and io error... shit / die
return self::error('Weather API error: ' . $today_api_data . ' ' . $forecast_api_data);

td_remote_cache::extend(__CLASS__, $cache_key, self::$caching_time);
return 'api_fail_cache';

td_remote_cache::set(__CLASS__, $cache_key, $weather_data, self::$caching_time); //we have a reply and we set it
return 'api';

} else {
// cache is valid
$weather_data = td_remote_cache::get(__CLASS__, $cache_key);
return 'cache';


* adds to the &$weather_data the information for today's forecast from OWM
* @param $atts - the shortcode atts
* @param $weather_data - BYREF weather data - this function will add to it
* @return bool|string
* - true: if everything is ok
* - string: the error message, if there was an error
private static function owm_get_today_data($atts, &$weather_data) {

if (is_numeric($atts['w_location'])) {
$today_weather_url = '' . urlencode($atts['w_location']) . '&lang=' . $atts['w_language'] . '&units=metric&appid=' . $weather_data['api_key'];
else {
$today_weather_url = '' . urlencode($atts['w_location']) . '&lang=' . $atts['w_language'] . '&units=metric&appid=' . $weather_data['api_key'];

$json_api_response = td_remote_http::get_page($today_weather_url, __CLASS__);

//print("<pre> json city weather API response: ".print_r($json_api_response,true)."</pre>");

// fail
if ($json_api_response === false) {
td_log::log(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, 'Api call failed', $today_weather_url);
return 'Error getting remote data for today forecast. Please check your server configuration';

// try to decode the json
$api_response = @json_decode($json_api_response, true);
if ($api_response === null and json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
td_log::log(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, 'Error decoding the json', $api_response);
return 'Error decoding the json from OpenWeatherMap';

if ($api_response['cod'] != 200) {
if ($api_response['cod'] == 404) {
return 'City not found'; // fix the incorect error message form the api :|
if (isset($api_response['message'])) {
return $api_response['message'];
return 'OWM code != 200. No message provided';


// set the language of the api
$weather_data['api_language'] = $atts['w_language'];

// current location
if (isset($api_response['name'])) {
$weather_data['api_location'] = $api_response['name'];

// min max current temperature
if (isset($api_response['main']['temp'])) {
$weather_data['today_temp'][0] = round($api_response['main']['temp'], 1);
$weather_data['today_temp'][1] = self::celsius_to_fahrenheit($api_response['main']['temp']);
if (isset($api_response['main']['temp_min'])) {
$weather_data['today_min'][0] = round($api_response['main']['temp_min'], 1);
$weather_data['today_min'][1] = self::celsius_to_fahrenheit($api_response['main']['temp_min']);
if (isset($api_response['main']['temp_max'])) {
$weather_data['today_max'][0] = round($api_response['main']['temp_max'], 1);
$weather_data['today_max'][1] = self::celsius_to_fahrenheit($api_response['main']['temp_max']);

// humidity
if (isset($api_response['main']['humidity'])) {
$weather_data['today_humidity'] = round($api_response['main']['humidity']);

// wind speed and direction
if (isset($api_response['wind']['speed'])) {
$weather_data['today_wind_speed'][0] = round($api_response['wind']['speed'], 1);
$weather_data['today_wind_speed'][1] = self::kmph_to_mph($api_response['wind']['speed']);

// forecast description
if (isset($api_response['weather'][0]['description'])) {
$weather_data['today_icon_text'] = $api_response['weather'][0]['description'];

// clouds
if (isset($api_response['clouds']['all'])) {
$weather_data['today_clouds'] = round($api_response['clouds']['all']);

// icon
if (isset($api_response['weather'][0]['icon'])) {
$icons = array(
// day
'01d' => 'clear-sky-d',
'02d' => 'few-clouds-d',
'03d' => 'scattered-clouds-d',
'04d' => 'broken-clouds-d',
'09d' => 'shower-rain-d', // ploaie hardcore
'10d' => 'rain-d', // ploaie light
'11d' => 'thunderstorm-d',
'13d' => 'snow-d',
'50d' => 'mist-d',

'01n' => 'clear-sky-n',
'02n' => 'few-clouds-n',
'03n' => 'scattered-clouds-n',
'04n' => 'broken-clouds-n',
'09n' => 'shower-rain-n', // ploaie hardcore
'10n' => 'rain-n', // ploaie light
'11n' => 'thunderstorm-n',
'13n' => 'snow-n',
'50n' => 'mist-n',

$weather_data['today_icon'] = 'clear-sky-d'; // the default icon :) if we get an error or strange icons as a reply
if (isset($icons[$api_response['weather'][0]['icon']])) {
$weather_data['today_icon'] = $icons[$api_response['weather'][0]['icon']];
} // end icon

return true; // return true if ~everything is ok

* adds to the &$weather_data the information for the next 5 days
* @param $atts - the shortcode atts
* @param $weather_data - BYREF weather data - this function will add to it
* @return bool|string
* - true: if everything is ok
* - string: the error message, if there was an error
private static function owm_get_five_days_data($atts, &$weather_data)
// request 7 days because the current day may be today in a different timezone
if (is_numeric($atts['w_location'])) {
$today_weather_url = '' . urlencode($atts['w_location']) . '&lang=' . $atts['w_language'] . '&units=metric&cnt=35&appid=' . $weather_data['api_key'];
else {
$today_weather_url = '' . urlencode($atts['w_location']) . '&lang=' . $atts['w_language'] . '&units=metric&cnt=35&appid=' . $weather_data['api_key'];

$json_api_response = td_remote_http::get_page($today_weather_url, __CLASS__);

//print("<pre> json city forecast API response: ".print_r($json_api_response,true)."</pre>");

// fail
if ($json_api_response === false) {
td_log::log(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, 'Api call failed', $today_weather_url);
return 'Error getting remote data for 5 days forecast. Please check your server configuration';

// try to decode the json
$api_response = @json_decode($json_api_response, true);
if ($api_response === null and json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
td_log::log(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, 'Error decoding the json', $api_response);
return 'Error decoding the json from OpenWeatherMap';

// today in format like: 20150210
//$today_date = date('Y-m-d', current_time('timestamp', 0));

if (!empty($api_response['list']) and is_array($api_response['list'])) {
$tmp_temps = array();

foreach ($api_response['list'] as $index => $day_forecast) {

if (
and !empty($day_forecast['main']['temp'])
) {// because the api return UTC time and we may have different timezones on the server. Avoid showing the same day twice

$current_day = date('j', $day_forecast['dt']);

if (!isset($tmp_temps[$current_day])) {
$tmp_temps[$current_day]= array (
'timestamp' => $day_forecast['dt'],
'day_name' => date_i18n('D', $day_forecast['dt']),
'day_temp' => array(
round($day_forecast['main']['temp_max']), // metric
round(self::celsius_to_fahrenheit($day_forecast['main']['temp_max'])) //imperial
'owm_day_index' => $index, // used in js to update only the displayed days when we do api calls from JS
} else {

if ($tmp_temps[$current_day]['day_temp'][0] < round($day_forecast['main']['temp_max'])) {

$tmp_temps[$current_day]['day_temp'][0] = round($day_forecast['main']['temp_max']); // metric
$tmp_temps[$current_day]['day_temp'][1] = round(self::celsius_to_fahrenheit($day_forecast['main']['temp_max'])); //imperial


$weather_data['forecast'] = array_values($tmp_temps);
return true;
return false; // return true if ~everything is ok

* convert celsius to fahrenheit + rounding (no decimals if result > 100 or one decimal if result < 100)
* @param $celsius_degrees
* @return float
private static function celsius_to_fahrenheit($celsius_degrees)
$f_degrees = $celsius_degrees * 9 / 5 + 32;

$rounded_val = round($f_degrees, 1);
if ($rounded_val > 99.9) { // if the value is bigger than 100, round it with no zecimals
return round($f_degrees);

return $rounded_val;

* rounding to .1
* @param $kmph
* @return float
private static function kmph_to_mph($kmph)
return round($kmph * 0.621371192, 1);

* Show an error if the user is logged in. It does not check for admin
* @param $msg
* @return string
private static function error($msg)
if (is_user_logged_in()) {
return $msg;
return '';
