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full lenght sidebar WordPress


I need the sidebar to be full lenght. I do not want the faux fix as it is critial this line up. As every browser display sleightly differently if I use a background it needs to be to wide to accomidate all browsers and if I make it the actual size on some browsers it is out of allignment, so it must be a div or code.

I have tried putting a div in but I am obviously not putting it in the right palce.

Anyone have a fix for this?

Answers (2)


Duncan O'Neill answers:

This will probably do it, difficult to know without seeing source;

Find the <div> which contains both the sidebar and the main content, and add

overflow:hidden or overflow:auto to its css for the green sidebar to line up.

For the h2, you can try;

1) writing a style in the style.css which is so specific that it over-writes the inline style.
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

for example, a guess;
#wrapper #maincontent #content h2 {margin-left:0;padding:0;text-align:left}

2) copy the inline style, and do a search through your plugins folder to find that string. Then delete it

Graham Kite comments:

code is a mess as a lot of different people have tried to do things on this site. some removed div tags and broke the theme, I am going through it to figure out what has been done.

If you can tell me what code you need to see I will paste it here for you?

Graham Kite comments:

I'm pretty much out of time on this. How much would you charge to fix it?

Duncan O'Neill comments:

Hi Graham,

please email me at [email protected] . I'm sure we can get it sorted from there.



Graham Kite comments:

Great thanks.
I will be out for a few hours and will send an email when I return.

Will delte all the commented out code so it is not so messy and we can work from there.


Duncan O'Neill comments:

Hi Graham,

Ok, will look forward to hearing from you.

It will probably be more helpful if you'd leave the commented out code in place.




Daniele Raimondi answers:

Please link to the real page if possible, so it'll be simpler to get you the right answer.
Actually i can only guessing.