Trying to get a for each loop to work within a slider using Aqua Resizer script to resize the images. The images are being resized correctly, but the slider is only showing the same image for each slide - which seems to indicate that the correct number of slides are showing, but the incorrect image for each slide. Hope that makes sense. Here's the loop as I currently have it:
<div class="slick-slider">
global $wpdb;
$images = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'siiimple_gallery', false );
$images = implode( ',' , $images );
// Re-arrange images with 'menu_order'
$images = $wpdb->get_col( "
SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts}
WHERE post_type = 'attachment'
AND ID in ({$images})
ORDER BY menu_order ASC
" );
foreach ( $images as $attachment )
$attachment_url = wp_get_attachment_url($attachment->ID , 'full');
$attachment = aq_resize($attachment_url, 525, 350, false);
echo '<div class="slick-item"><img src="'.$image.'"/></div>';
Luis Abarca answers:
$wpdb->get_col returns an array.
Try this:
foreach ( $images as $attachment_ID ) {
$attachment_url = wp_get_attachment_url($attachment_ID , 'full');
$attachment = aq_resize($attachment_url, 525, 350, false);
echo '<div class="slick-item"><img src="' . $attachment . '"/></div>';
Dbranes answers:
It's unclear what the value of <em>$image</em> is in this line:
echo '<div class="slick-item"><img src="'.$image.'"/></div>';
I wonder if you want to replace it with <em>$attachment</em> ?
Dbranes comments:
<strong>More info:</strong>
From the source code, we find that the value of your <em>$attachment</em> variable is indeed the url of the resized image:
// Return the output.
if ( $single ) {
// str return.
$image = $img_url;
} else {
// array return.
$image = array (
0 => $img_url,
1 => $dst_w,
2 => $dst_h
return $image;
where <em>$single</em> is true by default.
You can always change it with the 5th input parameter of
aq_resize( $url, $width = null, $height = null, $crop = null, $single = true, $upscale = false )
So you were almost there, just need change the line:
echo '<div class="slick-item"><img src="'.$image.'"/></div>';
echo '<div class="slick-item"><img src="'.$attachment.'"/></div>';
I hope this help solve the problem.
timDesain Nanang answers:
try to change this part:
foreach ( $images as $attachment ){
$attachment_url = wp_get_attachment_url($attachment->ID , 'full');
$attachment = aq_resize($attachment_url, 525, 350, false);
echo '<div class="slick-item"><img src="'.$image.'"/></div>';
foreach ( $images as $attachment ){
$attachment_url = wp_get_attachment_url($attachment->ID , 'full');
$attachment_src = aq_resize($attachment_url, 525, 350, false);
echo '<div class="slick-item"><img src="'.$attachment_src.'"/></div>';
Arnav Joy answers:
Try replacing
$attachment = aq_resize($attachment_url, 525, 350, false);
echo '<div class="slick-item"><img src="'.$image.'"/></div>
With this
$imgsrc = aq_resize($attachment_url, 525, 350, false);
echo '<div class="slick-item"><img src="'.$imgsrc.'"/></div>
Hariprasad Vijayan answers:
Hello Justin,
Change for each like this
foreach ( $images as $attachment )
$attachment_url = wp_get_attachment_url($attachment->ID , 'full');
$image = aq_resize($attachment_url, 525, 350, false);
echo '<div class="slick-item"><img src="'.$image.'"/></div>';
Justin Young comments:
Hey Hari,
Thanks for the response. that didn't seem to work, though. I've got an answer here that worked, from Luis. I think it had something to do with $attachment->ID.
I'm going to put up that slider/video issue, but I'll send it your way first if you want to have a crack at it?
Thanks again Hari