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font in firefox osX is thicker than in safari & chrome WordPress

Hi! I have a font problem. my fonts show up thicker in firefox os X compared to chrome and safari.

Any help?

In the attached image, you can see: left firefox, right safari.

I don't know how it looks in windows, would be good to have someone who can check as well...

Answers (6)


Arnav Joy answers:

can you show the url of the page where there is prblem.

klaus dyba comments:


Balanean Corneliu answers:

Hello Klaus,
i have tested in windows 7 firefox and chroem and seems to be the same,i atach an image.
You are shure you have clear all chase and temporari files from browsers ?

Balanean Corneliu comments:

I see you have added some !important to the css code then is posible your browser have an old cache. Check this out first and lets us know , thank you.

Balanean Corneliu comments:

and here you have safari vs chrome in windows 7