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fix css for ipad WordPress


someone can please help fix my css on ipad?

Answers (2)


Arnav Joy answers:

can you describe what are the fixes and also how can i see it as site is at maintenance mode

miamega comments:

you will need an ipad to see the issue

miamega comments:

you will need an ipad to see the issue


Kyle answers:

It says 'Site is offline'

miamega comments:

enabled the site now

Kyle comments:

Which part are you specifically encountering problems with?

Kyle comments:

If you are referring to the center area, with the white border called 'Our Philosophy' on the test page that is overflowing the screen, try adding this to your style.css file to correct:

.story {
max-width: 100% !important;

Kyle comments:

Actually I realized there are more than one areas with hard set widths, try this in your style.css file instead:

@media screen and (max-width: 960px) {

.story {
min-width: auto !important;
width: auto !important;

min-width: auto !important;


miamega comments:

Thanks for reply, i wonder why is the bg image isn't showing too

Kyle comments:

Oh, I'm seeing the image..

miamega comments:

i have one image for every section.

Kyle comments:

Yes I see an image for each section. Did you try clearing the cache on your ipad and reloading, sometimes that helps clear up some issues. I am seeing white space between some of the images, is that what you mean?

miamega comments:

so if you compare the web version and ipad. you will see the messing part in ipad. no background and not middle.

Kyle comments:

How are you progressing with this? The site has been changing quite frequently